IGI Global Celebrates 1,220 + Published Open Access Papers

By Marissa Massare on Jun 18, 2021

IGI Global hit a major milestone this June by reaching over 1,220 published open access research papers, furthering IGI Global’s contributions and commitment to the open access movement.

When the pandemic hit, the need for electronic content quickly became evident as researchers, faculty, and students stepped off campuses and started working through their research, teaching, and learning initiatives remotely. In order to support the academic community, IGI Global quickly stepped in to ensure that a high volume of research content could easily be accessible worldwide, and in just a few short months expanded their collection of open access content by nearly 90%, growing the collection of OA papers from 100 to more than 1,220.

Benefits of Publishing Open Access with IGI Global
  • Rigorous & Expediate Publishing
  • Networking & Collaboration
  • Acceleration of Citation Impact
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All IGI Global books and journals have the option to publish under open access, and recently IGI Global converted 31 subscription-based journals to gold open access and one subscription-based journal to platinum open access, along with retroactively opening up hundreds of published articles to open access in order to better serve the current needs of the research community (view the full story here).

"The process of converting and retroactively opening articles to OA has been a constant collaboration between our authors, editors, and staff. This collaboration includes correspondence among editors, reviewers and authors, use of our eEditorial Discovery™ submission system, implementation of IGI Global’s Author Services (which includes deductions to OA APC fees), and individualized, personal calls with journal editors to ensure quick turnaround times and quality publications. The eEditorial Discovery System™ and in-house staff provide authors with a streamlined personalized publishing experience.”
– Lindsay Wertman, Managing Director

IGI Global’s open access research spans across 11 core subject areas, including education, computer science, business, management, social sciences, and more. As IGI Global is a full member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), all the research content is published under a high-quality publishing process, which includes a double-blind peer review procedure.

Among the more than 1,220+ OA articles available through IGI Global are articles published by two of IGI Global’s inaugural gold open access journals the Journal of Technological Advancements (JTA) (submit here) and the International Journal of eSports Research (IJER) (submit here).

For access to all of IGI Global’s published open access papers, you can explore the entire collection here. If you are interested in converting your previously published IGI Global chapter or article to open access or any other open access publishing opportunities, please contact IGI Global’s Open Access Division at openaccessadmin@igi-global.com.

About IGI Global

Founded in 1988, IGI Global, an international academic publisher, is committed to producing the highest quality research (as an active full member of the Committee on Publication Ethics “COPE”) and ensuring the timely dissemination of innovative research findings through an expeditious and technologically advanced publishing process. Through their commitment to supporting the research community ahead of profitability, and taking a chance on virtually untapped topic coverage, IGI Global has been able to collaborate with over 100,000+ researchers from some of the most prominent research institutions around the world to publish the most emerging, peer-reviewed research across 350+ topics in 11 subject areas including business, computer science, education, engineering, social sciences, and more. To learn more about IGI Global, click here.

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Caroline Campbell
Assistant Director of Marketing and Sales
(717) 533-8845, ext. 144

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