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What is Cost per lead

Measuring the Effectiveness of Organizational Development Strategies During Unprecedented Times
This refers to the amount spent on acquiring a lead.
Published in Chapter:
How Close Are You to Your End Consumer?: Data-Driven Insights to Awesome Customer Experience
Chabi Gupta (School of Commerce, CHRIST University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8392-3.ch002
The delivery of a tailored customer experience is being widely recognised by executives in the technology industry as the key to unlocking revenue, minimising attrition, and providing growth. It is not simple to satisfy a consumer in today's market. Delivering reliable and efficient experiences across channels is more challenging than it has ever been because of the context of disparate privacy regulations, quick updates to browser technology, and an ever-evolving technological landscape. This research suggests that to do it right, the business needs to have the right people, processes, and technologies working in sync. This study highlights that many companies continue to invest in instruments and technology solutions before they have effectively accomplished the organisational transformation required to perform the role in a data-driven mode. Investments do not always yield the promised results since the basic pieces of mindset, vision, and people are not always in congruence. Consumers are no longer going to be ‘just satisfied,' or ‘even happy.'
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