To send or transport goods and/or services out of a country to the other countries. Exports measure the total physical movement of merchandise goods and/or services out of the country to the foreign countries (US Census Bureau 2022 AU83: The in-text citation "US Census Bureau 2022" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ). An export of a good or service occurs when there is a change of ownership from a resident to a non-resident (Eurostat, 2022b AU84: The in-text citation "Eurostat, 2022b" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).
Published in Chapter:
Analyzing the Global Economy in the Post-Pandemic Recovery: Is the Recovery Near or Not?
Özlem Özsoy (Izmir Ekol Hospital, Turkey) and Metin Gürler (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
Copyright: © 2023
|Pages: 57
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3749-0.ch009
More than two years have passed since the new type of coronavirus began in Wuhan, China. In addition, it has been more than 22 months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic, and the world continues to struggle with new variants of the virus and cannot return to the old normal. Closures, lockdowns, and restrictions on foreign trade of goods and services have decreased global economic activity. It is seen that two important challenges have emerged due to the pandemic. First, the countries with limited health services capacity in the face of the increasing number of cases and deaths in the world had trouble to combat with the pandemic. Second, low-income countries which have difficulty in accessing medicines and vaccines having an important role in combating the pandemic are more distressed than other countries and need global support. It is seen that the inequality in income distribution between countries in the world also manifests itself in accessing drugs and vaccines.