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What is Holistic Catalyzing Culture

Examining Applied Multicultural Industrial and Organizational Psychology
The ability of organization to withstand, adapt, and thrive in the face of shocks, requires external and internal perspectives to assess the financial/operational strengths, weaknesses, threats/risks, and rebalancing opportunities to facilitate strategic resilience, while fostering positive leaders within human-centric workplace.
Published in Chapter:
The Third Culture People's Impact: Evolving the Future of Management and Leadership in the Post-Pandemic Era
Joanne Vázquez de Prίncipe (Purposeful Advising and Coaching LLC, USA)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7212-5.ch009
This chapter explores the benefits of leveraging business strategies, which incorporate third culture-building approaches throughout the entire organizational ecosystem, with a deep dive into people management and leadership aspects. Third-culture kids who grew up to be working adults were influenced by their parental, organizational, and personal intercultural dynamics, fostering a strong personal identity enriched by their diverse lived experiences. Post-pandemic, there seems to be a high-demand trend for attracting talent with global capabilities and cross-cultural multidisciplinary leadership perspectives to conduct business across borders with greater ease and minimal training. Leaders and managers who can leverage mindsets associated with third culture perspectives are increasingly developing a competitive edge within multicultural organizations. Concepts in this chapter will deepen awareness, understanding, and appreciation for third culture mindsets, guided by mixed-methods doctoral dissertation research findings.
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