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What is Millennials (Generation Y)

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Productivity in the Post-Pandemic Multigenerational Workforce
Born from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s to early 2000s, Millennials grew up during the advent of the internet age. They have been shaped by the technology boom, globalization, and the Great Recession. This generation is often characterized by their tech-savviness, value for experiences over possessions, and their desire for meaningful work and purpose.
Published in Chapter:
Navigating HRM Challenges in Post-Pandemic China: Multigenerational Workforce, Skill Gaps, and Emerging Strategies
Mohamad Zreik (Independent Researcher, Lebanon)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9172-0.ch008
Human resource management (HRM) in an aging society presents unique issues, and this chapter examines some of the most significant ones, such as labor shortages, skill gaps, and managing a workforce that spans generations. The global trend toward remote work, the increased emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and the need to keep employees engaged despite change all add layers of complexity to these problems. It goes on to explore unique HRM techniques to address these issues, with a particular emphasis on reimagining the work-life balance and building resilient organizational cultures. The chapter also emphasizes the novel chances that arose, giving readers crucial insights into the developing HRM scene in China.
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