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What is NITI Aayog

Innovation and Resource Management Strategies for Startups Development
The National Institution for Transforming India, or NITI Aayog, is a crucial policy think tank and governmental entity in India. It was established on January 1, 2015, and it took the position of the Indian Planning Commission. Its goal is to promote sustainable economic and social development. At both the national and state levels, NITI Aayog promotes cooperative federalism by linking the federal government and the several states. Its main duties include developing policies, conducting research and analysis, observing and assessing government programmes, and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. By placing a strong emphasis on evidence-based decision-making, encouraging innovation, and aiming to make India more competitive, efficient, and egalitarian, NITI Aayog plays a crucial role in the country's policymaking process. It still plays a crucial role in directing and enabling India's transition in the twenty-first century.
Published in Chapter:
Symbiosis of Innovation-Oriented Leadership and Start-Ups: Focused on India
Damini Saini (IIM Raipur, India), Madhu Bhushan (Kalinga University, India), and Akanchha Singh (Apeejay Stya University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2077-8.ch005
Interest in entrepreneurship and the startup movement has increased a growing debate and research regarding innovation in many avenues, including business models. Many startups, nationally and internationally, are doing exceptionally well, and it is obvious that they are highly inclined towards innovation in various dimensions of their business. Innovation is otherwise also necessary in the changing environment of the contemporary business world. Many startups have designed novel business models for new organizations or reconfigured existing business models. This chapter will focus on the aspects of the requirement of innovation-oriented leadership in business and how it leads to an effective business model. The authors will also discuss the critical role played by innovative approaches in setting up a new business venture. Additionally, the chapter will discuss the stories of successful Indian startups and how innovative leadership contributed towards startups.
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Entrepreneurship: Scope of Addressing Educated Unemployment in India
National Institution for Transforming India, better known as NITI Aayog, was formed via a resolution of the Union Cabinet on 1 January 2015. NITI Aayog is the premier policy think tank of the Government of India, providing directional and policy inputs.
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