A compassionate approach to working with individuals with or at risk of trauma exposure that recognizes trauma symptoms and the role they play in an individual’s life.
Published in Chapter:
Enhancing Social Justice via Equity-Based Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Elizabeth D. Cramer (Florida International University, USA), Sharde Theodore (Florida International University, USA), Aniva Lumpkins (Florida International University, USA), Chauntea S. Cummings (Florida International University, USA), and Helen Rose Flores (Florida International University, USA)
Copyright: © 2023
|Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6386-4.ch006
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an overview of a framework for equity-based multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), practical strategies for its implementation, and resources to be used by stakeholders when implementing these supports. Special education referral and placement have historically been contingent upon subjective decisions fraught with discriminatory practices that affect racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse (RELD) students. Through a social justice and culturally responsive lens, this chapter provides an in-depth analysis of existing MTSS systems and ways that inequities in schools can be mediated. Equitable practices are then described across academic and socioemotional supports. The chapter includes: (1) focus on an equity-based MTSS framework for RELD students; (2) implementation of equity-based approaches across three tiers; (3) equity-based assessment and progress monitoring; (4) recommendations for implementation; and (5) future research directions to ensure equity-based supports for RELD learners with or at risk for disability.