How Editors, Authors, and Reviewers Can Benefit From IGI Global’s Full Membership to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

By Mikaela Felty on Aug 30, 2021
In 2017, the international Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) council conducted an extensive and rigorous year-long review process in which every aspect of IGI Global was carefully examined. IGI Global was then formally recognized by COPE as a viable, ethical, and prestigious publisher of scholarly content. IGI Global and all its published works were validated as maintaining the highest ethical standards due to its robust and sound double-blind peer review process.
Upon acceptance, IGI Global was offered the opportunity to become a full member, and we gladly accepted as this also meant that all IGI Global published journals and all IGI Global journal Editor(s)-in-Chief also became full members of COPE. Learn More
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What is COPE?
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is a non-profit UK-based international organization that supports and educates editors, publishers, and any involved in publication ethics with hopes of directing the publishing community toward a culture where ethical practices are the norm. COPE promotes adherence to strict ethical guidelines in the publishing and academic communities and regularly shares educational resources with editors and publishers on the latest best practices for maintaining the highest standard of ethics in all publications.
Benefits for IGI Global Editors, Authors, and Reviewers
IGI Global’s recognition from and subsequent membership to COPE has provided IGI Global’s editors, authors, and reviewers with many benefits. The first being the security of knowing that IGI Global has officially been accredited; knowing that IGI Global has been determined to be ethical and separated from predatory publishers who prey upon researchers’ hard work. Additionally, there are a multitude of workshops and resources hosted by COPE that support best practices in research and writing.
IGI Global journal Editors-in-Chief receive valuable resources from COPE. Not only are their journals listed on COPEs website as being a credited journal under IGI Global, but any Editor-in-Chief of a scholarly journal published by IGI Global receives:
  • Free COPE membership (compared to the regular annual individual membership of approximately US $299)
  • Ability to add that they are a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to their Curriculum Vitae
  • Free registration to COPE sponsored events such as workshops, seminars, and webinars
  • Receive advice on individual cases via the COPE Forum
  • Access eLearning Modules for knowledge development
  • Use the ethical audit tool to see how well their journal matches COPE’s guidelines
  • Use the COPE logo on their journal
  • Use sample letters to help draft their own when there is potential misconduct
  • Stand for Election to COPE council
All IGI Global editors, authors, and reviewers have access to COPE’s extensive resources that will aid in their professional development and editorial leadership growth in academic research and publishing. COPE provides:
  • Flowcharts
  • Core Practices
  • Best Practice Guidelines
  • Newsletters
  • Cases Database
  • Podcasts of Forum Discussions
  • Retraction Guidelines
Join IGI Global’s Network
Publishing with IGI Global not only guarantees that your published work will be seen as credible, but it will also give you an abundance of resources that will assist you in your work and your career through IGI Global’s COPE membership. To work with IGI Global and become a COPE member, propose an open access journal or transfer your existing journal to IGI Global.
As a member of COPE, IGI Global is dedicated to ensuring that its published works maintain the highest ethical standards through its robust double-blind peer review process which executes several rounds of peer review and revision to ensure the highest quality. IGI Global hopes to hold itself to editors as a beacon in a sea of predatory and vanity presses polluting the field of academic research and knowledge. COPE’s membership list is of paramount importance to support the scholarly community in identifying credible publishing houses and publications.
About IGI Global

Founded in 1988, IGI Global, an international academic publisher, is committed to producing the highest quality research (as an active full member of the Committee on Publication Ethics “COPE”) and ensuring the timely dissemination of innovative research findings through an expeditious and technologically advanced publishing process. Through their commitment to supporting the research community ahead of profitability, and taking a chance on virtually untapped topic coverage, IGI Global has been able to collaborate with over 100,000+ researchers from some of the most prominent research institutions around the world to publish the most emerging, peer-reviewed research across 350+ topics in 11 subject areas including business, computer science, education, engineering, social sciences, and more. To learn more about IGI Global, click here.

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(717) 533-8845, ext. 144

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