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What is Ethics

Handbook of Research on Higher Education in the MENA Region: Policy and Practice
Ethics are certain well founded standards of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, expressed in terms of rights, obligations and benefits to the society.
Published in Chapter:
Ethics in Higher Education
Suja R. Nair (Jain University, India)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6198-1.ch011
Institutions of higher education have a major role to play in preparing the younger generation for a propitious future. Apart from imparting quality education, they need to instill high ethical values and practices amongst the student fraternity. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the various facets of education and the role of ethics in the field of higher education. An attempt has been made to emphasize and highlight the perspective on the importance of ethics in higher education through a review of literature. A small primary study was also conducted involving the faculty of a few universities in India as respondents. The respondents were administered a questionnaire on “Ethics in Higher Education” to gauge a link between the theory and practice.
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Transformative School Counseling
Professional guidelines developed to govern behavior within a given field.
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Technoethical Considerations for Advancing Health Literacy and Medical Practice: A Posthumanist Framework in the Age of Healthcare 5.0
Ethics refers to the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conduct of an activity. In various fields, including business, medicine, and technology, ethics plays a crucial role in guiding decisions and actions. It involves considerations of what is right and wrong, fair and unfair, and is often shaped by societal, cultural, and personal values.
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Strategic Managerial Communication in the Digital Era: Implications for Ethical-Unethical Behavior
The study of values, of what is more or less important, of the “good,” of behavioral guidelines and norms. Ethics provides frameworks and tools for recognizing and assessing available options and for differentiating between more or less morally justified pathways in any given situation. Ethics is a choice. An individual or group has options available in any given situation while being morally responsible.
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Science, Technocracy, and Artificial Intelligence: An Ethical-Juridical Reflection Prompted by the Current Pandemic
Reflection on the practical behavior of the individual, which intends to investigate the good for man and his moral duties.
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Privacy, Contingency, Identity, and the Group
The notion of right or wrong that can influence conduct of people.
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Human Resources Information Systems Role in Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Compliance
Standards of conduct and moral judgments that help to determine right and wrong behavior.
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Ethical and Legal Nuances in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
The word “ethics” is derived from the Greek word ethos (character), and from the Latin word mores (customs). It regulates the human conduct in the society. Ethical dilemmas commonly occur when contradictory potential “right” actions conflict with one another.
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Fourth Industrial Revolution: Towards University Teaching Based on Values
Comes from the philosophy that deals with the moral behavior of man in society.
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Meeting Customer Expectations in Islamic Tourism: Effects of Islamic Business Ethics
It is a branch of philosophy that “involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.”
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Ethical Rationality in AI: On the Prospect of Becoming a Full Ethical Agent
A philosophical discipline which studies how, and what it means, to live well. Elaborating critically on the work of Plato, who declared the good to be the supreme idea in the world, Aristotle was the first to write a treatise on ethics, in which he argued that the acquisition of virtues is paramount for humans to act and think well. Today, ethics is present in practically all fields of knowledge, including the life sciences (cf. bioethics).
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AI Discrimination in Hiring
The systematic study of the principles of right and wrong behavior, and morals ( Johnson, 2021 ).
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Challenges in the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education for Sustainable Engineering
It is a concept that serves as a guide for making decisions about certain actions that are considered morally correct in a particular society and time.
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Organizational Culture and Ethics: The Influence Organizational and Personal Values Have on Perceptions of Misconduct and the Factors of Whistleblowing
A system of moral principles, values, or rules of conduct recognized by individuals, groups, or cultures that relate conduct or behavior with the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of the actions ( Stein & Urdang, 1971 ).
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Developing Reflection on Values as a Foundation for a Business Career
The study of questions involving moral values, which may involve analysing the relevant duties, consequences or virtues as a part of a rational and empathic process of resolving moral issues.
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To Teach Leadership Ethically or to Teach Ethical Leadership?: Leadership Education in the Polish Executive Education Context
A branch of philosophy dealing with concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, crime and justice. In more general terms, ethics might be seen as a set of norms determining a more course of action.
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Equipping Higher Education Leaders to Manage Corporate Interests
The due diligence, actions, and mitigation of situations relating to individual leaders’ decisions and actions, aggregated policy and strategies of organizations (such as higher education or companies), and the on-going monitoring of behaviors by all organizational actors.
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Ethics of Social Media Research
Refers to moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
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Social and Legal Dimensions of Online Pornography
The code of conduct in a society or community that may be tacit or explicitly expounded
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Exploring Ethics in Innovation: The Case of High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Can be defined as the philosophical questioning and reflexion upon morality. Though ethics is a field of philosophy, its applied notions are present in different fields (e.g. business, medical sciences and the law, for instance).
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Integrating Ethics into Management: Why Is It Important?
The philosophical study of moral values and rules that inform decisions about right and wrong.
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Journalism Education as an Agent of Positive Change in the Arab World: Opportunities and Challenges
A branch of philosophy that is concerned with the behavior of individuals in society. Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgments to determine what is morally right or wrong.
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Politics and Ethics and a National Framework to Combat Corruption in Zimbabwe
Ethics refers to what is morally right or wrong. That is socially acceptable behaviour.
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Students' Intentions on Cyber Ethics Issues
Moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or in conducting of an activity.
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Ethics of Hybrid Learning in Higher Education
The sum of behavioral norms that regulate people’s relations with each other by the power of social opinion, traditional customs, and people’s beliefs, with the evaluation of good and evil as the standard.
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Ethics for Students Means Knowing and Experiencing: Multiple Theories, Multiple Frameworks, Multiple Methods in Multiple Courses
Standards for how people live and act. From the Greek “ethike” or “ethos,” it means custom or norm. A key question is, “How should people live their lives?” The term tends to be used for abstract or theoretical applications and is considered a branch of philosophy.
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Leading Ethically in a Culturally Diverse Global Environment
Judgments about the rightness or wrongness of human behavior.
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Information Ethics in the Context of Current Developments
It is a moral discipline that studies human behavior in terms of being good or bad, and right or wrong.
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The Morality of Reporting Safety Concerns in Aviation
A set of standards of right and wrong, good and bad.
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Ambiguities in the Privacy Policies of Common Health and Fitness Apps
The critical examination of the advantages and disadvantages when deciding upon the correct conduct involving a moral issue.
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Digital Image Ethics: Social Practices and Technological Mediations
A branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles, values, and rules that guide human behaviour; it examines questions about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and how we should behave, providing frameworks for making decisions and evaluating actions based on principles such as fairness, justice, honesty, and respect for others.
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Developments Concerning Supply Chain Management in Global Retailing Business
Captures the values that form the basis of individual and social relations, norms and rules as a philosophy of discipline.
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What Is Employee Engagement?: How We Can Work Together to Retain a Workforce That Wants to Be There
The branch of philosophy concerned with the morals that govern a person’s behavior.
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Analysis of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Practices in Government Agencies in South Africa
Set of standards and moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or conduct with respect to what is right or wrong.
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Design Thinking as a Paradigm to Support the Ethical Revival in Higher Education
According to Lillie (2001) ethics is “the normative science of conduct, and conduct is a collective name for voluntary actions” (p. 3). The code of values and moral principles that guides individual or group behaviour with respect to what is right or wrong ( Mihelic, Lipicnik, & Tekavcic, 2010 ).
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Ethics in Predictive Learning Analytics: An Empirical Case Study on Students Perceptions in a Northern Irish University
In general, it refers to a philosophy of morality that involves systematising, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct; it is a fluctuating moral code of norms and conventions that exist in society externally to a person. In the context of LA, it refers to the systemisation of correct and incorrect behaviour in virtual spaces according to all stakeholders.
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An Assessment of Unethical Work Behavior Among Police Personnel in Nigeria
Refers to a moral standard used in determining what is right or wrong within a group, organization, and society. It has its roots in the Greek word, “ethikos,” meaning custom (Ibietan & Joshua, 2013). Dibie (2007) provided a similar understanding of ethics in that it is similar to morality. To Dibie (2007), it is a philosophical concept which is used in determining the proper course of action. To Ojokwu (2016), it also means adhering to a set of rules guiding the conduct of members of a profession. To Ojokwu (2016), the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) has set of rules which guides their actions, reactions, and response to events in the discharge of their duties. These rules are called ethics.
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Historical Perspective of Technoethics in Education
A set of moral principles or values, built upon existing mores, and result from a society’s ideas and actions. They do not precede the society and the situation in which it finds itself; rather, they are a reaction to the situation, ever changing, and reflect the current state of affairs of the society. Ethics is based upon values grounded on some notions of and for the common good, or what is perceived as good and right (the truth) for individual and community action.
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Metaverse Applications in Business: A Systematic Literature Review and Integrative Framework
Standards of conduct regarding what is acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior in business.
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Hexa-Dimension Metric, Ethical Matrix, and Cybersecurity
Is simply put about right and wrong. But it is more than that. Deontic ethics is about duty-based actions taken according to principles of duty and rights; utilitarian ethics is on result-based action taken consistent with the consequence and utility doctrines. Judging an action being ethical may refer the gold rule, categorical imperative, virtue ethics, etc.
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Leveraging Ethics in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Applications: E-Learning Management Systems in Namibia
Standards of right and wrong, which serve as a yardstick of human actions and behaviors in consideration of rights, fairness, and societal benefits.
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Leadership in FinTech: Authentic Leaders as Enablers of Innovation and Competitiveness in Financial Technology Firms
Ethics refers to an individual’s concept of morals, including that of their ability to choose between right and wrong, good and bad, etc.
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Machine Dreaming
A system of moral principles.
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Explicit and Tacit Knowledge: To Share or Not to Share
Ethics permits a system of moral standard or values (Wang, 2004). Ethical concerns permeate all human actions and interaction that arise in connection with core values as honesty or justice (Kakabadse, Kakabadse, & Kouzmin, 2002)
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Ethical Considerations for Learning Game, Simulation, and Virtual World Design and Development
A system of moral principles; namely, what people ought to do; this specifically focuses on of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Also known as: Ethical principles, ethical systems; similar to: moral principles; associated in the manuscript with: morals, design decisions. Notable appearances of this term can be found on: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7.
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AI, Mindfulness, and Emotional Well-Being: Nurturing Awareness and Compassionate Balance
Moral principles guiding behaviour, decision-making, and actions, defining what is right or wrong, just, and fair within a societal or professional context.
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Ethics of Biomedical and Information Technologies
Analysis of voluntary human action for determining what types of activity are good and right.
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Revisiting Corruption Mathematical Models in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Moral values and principles that regulate individual actions based on societal values.
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Autoethnography in Information Science Research: A Transformative Generation and Sharing of Knowledge or a Fallacy?
The principles of right and wrong that accepted by an individual or social group based on established standards.
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Social, Political and Ethical Responsibility in Broadband Adoption and Diffusion: A German Case Study
According to, “the term ethics is used in several different ways. It means the study of morals. It is also the name for that branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of morals and moral evaluation, e.g., what is right and wrong, virtuous or vicious, and beneficial or harmful (to others).”
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The Importance of the Ethical Standards in Terms of the Development and Implication of the Science: Social Science Ethics
Ethics refers to the principles and moral values that guide individuals or groups in distinguishing right from wrong, influencing decision-making, and shaping behavior in a manner that aligns with accepted standards of conduct and integrity.
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Ethics in Accounting and Finance: A South African Perspective
Is a moral philosophy or code of conduct practiced by a person or group of people within the business world.
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Dynamics of Sustainable and Ethically Responsible Business Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility
This explains the way an entity ought to run its whole company and tasks. Concerns of passion, remain fundamental to corporate ethics. Organizations seek to achieve maximum earnings while addressing concerns of accountability and human duty. Morality is a set of regulations that decide what is beneficial or detrimental, acceptable or unacceptable for individuals. In simple terms, morality pertains to the rules which act as a basis for interpersonal interactions, in addition to the essence and product of being socially upright or vile, the company Ethics include decency, admiration, reverence, and equal behavior throughout every situation. Nevertheless, principles such as courtesy, regard, and assurance are fairly broad concepts with no obvious limits.
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Disruptive Unicorn of Digital Innovations: A Challenge for University Professors
Education in service of humankind. Any discipline could be approached with the most advanced technology in the field with a simultaneous hierarchy of values such as: responsibility, freedom, unity, creativity, the inclusion of the less privileged, respect to others, and caring for our planet. Ethics trigger the process of critical thinking in favor of humanity.
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From Philosophical Queries to Greater Dilemmas of Neuroethics
A complex philosophical inquiry on morals, values and rules and the way in which they are to be applied in everyday situations.
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Technoethics in Education for the Twenty-First Century
Human character and conduct, the understanding of right and wrong, and one’s obligation to society.
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Perceptions of Doctoral-Affiliated Professionals: Articulated Reflections of Queen Bee Syndrome Experiences
These are elements of principle that guide how a person behaves and how a person acts. This may be defined as personal morality and moral principles, this may be defined as professional morality and moral principles, or a holistic understanding of the ways that a person chooses to act within personal and professional chooses to act that reflects the extent to which morality and moral principles guides judgement and actions.
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The Artificial Intelligence Implementation Challenge in the European Union and Spain
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Advertising Ethics in the Social Media Age: The Nigerian Scenario
Dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.
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The Emergence of Biobanks: Between Ethics, Risks, and Governance
Well-founded standards that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights and obligations. Ethics are cultural, time and context sensitive.
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The Effect of Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 on Research Data Ethics in South Africa
Ethics is a field of study that addresses the principles of morality based on what is right and a decision that occurs within society.
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Technological Dream or Safety Traumata?: Fire Protection in Smart Cities – Digitization and AI Ensure Burning Ideas and a New Culture of Thinking in Construction 4.0
Ethics deals with the prerequisites and the evaluation of human action and is the methodical reflection on morality. At the center of ethics is specifically moral action, especially with regard to its justification and reflection (ethics describes and judges morality critically). The focus of ethics is on the three questions of the “highest good”, the right action in certain situations and freedom of will.
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Addressing the Central Problem in Cyber Ethics through Stories
A branch of moral philosophy that examines the standards for proper conduct.
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Moral, Social, and Political Responsibility in the Information Age
Practical philosophy, scientific analysis of moral contents.
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Privacy, Societal, and Ethical Concerns in Security
What is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
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Duties and Ethics of Information Scientists
The moral standards that guide the conduct of Information Scientist.
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Teaching Ethics Online to Health Sciences Professionals
The study of the application of moral theory to healthcare practice and research.
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Ethics in Research and Teaching: Ethics for Academics
Ethics can be described as the philosophy of morality and universal guidelines which leads to right behavior that is accepted as a norm.
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Ethics in Management and Institutionalization of Ethics
Ethics is the total of universal principles and norms effective in evaluation approaches and behaviors of mankind in the past, at present and in the future, as good or bad, correct or wrong, formation and evaluation of solution suggestion for emerging new problems.
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Indigenous African Knowledge System (IAKS) Ethos: Prospects for a Post-Colonial Curriculum
Refers to a set of regulations or rules that are normally accepted as the guide in a particular community or structure to affect a particular behaviour or outcome.
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Distance Education in Speech-Language Therapy: Telepractice With Children With Speech and Language Disorders
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The Ethics of Strategic Managerial Communication in the Global Context
The study of values, of what is more or less important, of the “good,” of behavioral guidelines and norms. Ethics provides frameworks and tools for recognizing and assessing available options and for differentiating between more or less morally justified pathways in any given situation. Ethics is a choice. An individual or group has options available in any given situation while being morally responsible.
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Strategically Logical and Ethical Decision-Making in Leadership and Management
“Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues arising from principles about right and wrong” (Osland, 2007 AU58: The in-text citation "Osland, 2007" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).
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Ethical Challenges: The Influence Organizational and Personal Values Have on Perceptions of Misconduct and the Factors of Whistleblowing
A system of moral principles, values, or rules of conduct recognized by individuals, groups, or cultures that relate conduct or behavior with the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of the actions ( Stein & Urdang, 1971 ).
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The Right Work Ethic for Human Resource Managers
Refers to moral or correct behavior. When used in its plural form, it means a system of moral or correct conduct, moral principles. In this article, ethic is a countable noun, meaning moral and correct conduct and moral principles. Traditionally, organizations focused on X work ethic, which indicates employees with X work ethic must be controlled, coerced, and forced to work. As more and more organizations buy into humanism, which means employees have unlimited potential for work and learning, organizations begin to look further into Y work ethic, which is more desirable in terms of achieving surplus value in work.
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Instructing AI Ethics and Human Rights
Ethics refers to moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity.
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Sustainable Value Chains: A Critical Analysis of Sustainable Supply Chain Failures in Developing and Developed Economies
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Ethical Business Marketing: The Practices to Compete Successfully in Business
The discipline that examines what is ethically good and bad as well as right and wrong is known as moral philosophy.
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Impact of Economic Culture on the Development of Enterprises
In a general sense, ethics is the code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong.
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Why Should We Still Be Hopeful?: Aestheticization of Power and Resistance
Confused with morality, but unlike morality, not subordinating the subject to social norms; on the contrary, they are actions that appear immanently to the subject.
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Research Ethics Among Undergraduates of the Social Sciences
Refers to ‘an evolving system of behavioral norms or value judgments about the goodness or badness of research practice’ ( Smith, 1988 ).
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Ethics in Higher Education Leadership: Current Themes and Trends
Principles of behaviour associated with what is right and what is wrong.
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Ethical Theories and Computer Ethics
The science, or philosophy, or more modestly, the study of moral conduct. By moral conduct in turn is meant conduct regarded as right or wrong, or as what “ought” or “ought not” to be done; or as involving deliberation and choice between ends viewed as “good”. (Mathews et al 1921, p. 152 AU32: The in-text citation "Mathews et al 1921" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).
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The Link Between Innovation and Prosperity: How to Manage Knowledge for the Individual's and Society's Benefit From Big Data Governance?
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Ethical Governance for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions: Lessons From a Small-Scale University
Well-founded standards of what is “right” and “wrong,” expressed in terms of rights, obligations, and benefits to the institution and, ultimately, the society.
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Transcendental Bioethics of Displacement: Good v Evil III
The exploration of what is morally right or wrong and how we should behave towards others and nature.
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The Phenomenon of Corruption and Its Impact on the Loss of Social Cohesion in Colombia
This is the set of moral rules that govern human behavior. It also deals with the coherence in decision-making and actions aimed at what is good, right, fair, and virtuous.
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Ethical Aspects of Information Literacy in Artificial Intelligence
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Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Age
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Taxonomy of Ethical Dilemmas in Artificial Intelligence
Ethics is the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong.
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Ethical Ambiguities in the Privacy Policies of Mobile Health and Fitness Applications
The critical examination of the advantages and disadvantages when deciding upon the correct conduct involving a moral issue.
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Turbulent Peace, Power, and Ethics
Moral philosophy. The study of ethics constitutes a rescue of the very old academic tradition of economy which goes back at least to Aristotle that, justly affirmed that politics (including economics) legislates as to what we are to do and what we are to abstain from, and that the end of this science must include those of the others, so that this end must be good for man. In this order of ideas, the ethics has two central issues, namely: First, the question about human motivations and behaviors: “How should one live?” and; Second, the complex judgment of social achievement (the god for man, and the god for nature). The ethics, help us to overcome the next main difficulties of moral values and morality, namely: a) there is not a definitive and perfect set of moral values and an absolute and true guidance of morality; b) moral values and morality are circumscribed to cultural traditions and, moreover, they are dependent of the status quo (interest and power) of persons; c) there is not an universal agreement about the best moral values and about the better guidance of morality.
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Technological Approaches to Maintaining Academic Integrity in Management Education
Values relating to human conduct with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions
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Value-Based Leadership and Personality Type: The Influence on Organizational Change
A system of moral principles, values, or rules of conduct recognized by individuals, groups, or cultures that relate conduct or behavior with the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of the actions ( Stein & Urdang, 1971 ).
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GATE Teachers From the Inside Out: Students' Perceptions on Gifted and Talented Teachers in the Classroom
The set of moral principles that guide a person, a group, or an organizations’ behavior. When applied to a specific activity, such as scientific research, ethics become the set of moral principles that guide the researcher’s behavior and is intertwined with the professional deontology. Ethics always comprise values, as it determines the rightness and wrongness of certain actions, its motivations, and consequences.
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The Emerging Field of Technoethics
Ethics is the study of moral conduct, i.e., conduct regarded as right or wrong, good or evil, or as what ought or ought not to be done.
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Mobile Learning in a Social, Ethical, and Legal Environment
Any prescription by a culture of how things ought to be or ought to be done, expressed on a spectrum from legal and regulatory frameworks to social disapproval.
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The Ethics of Collaborating With Social Media Influencers: Influencers and Psychological Well-Being
Influencer behaviour's moral principles encompass transparency, honesty, and responsibility in content creation and brand collaborations.
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To Take or Not to Take?: The Importance of Business Ethics
Science of morality, about how it should be, not about what it is, and about what is right and wrong.
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Academic Integrity in Online Foreign Language Assessment: What Does Current Research Tell Us?
The system of established moral principles and rules in order to regulate assessment-related procedures and behaviors such as task design, item construction, administration, and evaluation.
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Ethical Issues of Qualitative Research
Very often ethics is recognized as a branch of philosophy. Ethics is often defined as a system so moral principles, which standard and concepts defined, systemized and recommend concepts of right or wrong behavior.
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Thinking Machines: The Ethics of Self-Aware AI
The branch of philosophy concerned with morality. Also, morality and moral systems in general.
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Google Docs Motivates Creative Inspiration and Constructive Interaction
A person’s actions or the process of conducting an activity that is navigated by moral principles.
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Strategist: Role and Attributes
Moral principles that govern behaviour and actions.
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External Auditors Discover Management Breach of Trust: Evidence From Mexico
The principles of ethics are part of a moral philosophy that encompasses the process of identifying and defending concepts to let every person establish a pattern to evaluate and recognize right from wrong.
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Information and Communication Technology Ethics and Social Responsibility
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The Influence of Self-Determination Theory on African American Males' Motivation
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When Helping Is Dangerous: Benefits and Risks to Providers Delivering Digital Crisis Intervention
Professional norms that are developed from an agreed upon set of values that guide practice behavior and decision making.
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Social Media Mining
What is deemed to be good or bad in human conduct.
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Philosophy of Web-Based Mediation
The science of morals; the department of study concerned with the principles of human duty.
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Thinking Otherwise: Integrating Existing Buildings in Smart Cities – Best Practice
Ethics deals with the prerequisites and the evaluation of human action and is the methodical reflection on morality. At the center of ethics is specifically moral action, especially with regard to its justification and reflection (ethics describes and judges morality critically). The focus of ethics is on the three questions of the “highest good”, the right action in certain situations and freedom of will.
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The Culturally Connected School Counselor: Best Practices and Considerations
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The Influences and Impacts of Societal Factors on the Adoption of Web Services
Is a normative value system that dictates whether a human action is right or wrong.
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Ethico-Phenomenological Appraisal of Religion and Development in Africa
Ethics concerns itself with moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity. Simply put, ethics is a system of moral principles which affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. It is principally concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy.
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Institutionalizing Academic Integrity: The Present Need
Rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions in academics.
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Principled/Digital: Composition's “Ethics of Attunement” and the Writing MOOC
Any line of thinking which investigates questions of right or wrong, better or worse in regard to human affairs.
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HCI and User Experience Design Education: Principles for Ethical and Responsible Practices in Inclusive Research and Application
At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also described as moral philosophy. The term is derived from the Greek word ethos which can mean custom, habit, character or disposition.
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Ethics of New Technologies
The study of social or interpersonal values and the rules of conduct that follow from them.
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Entrepreneurial Ethical Decision Making: Context and Determinants
Deals with character traits and human conduct; how human beings are essentially supposed to behave.
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The Ambit of Ethics in the South African Academic Institutions: Experience of Coloniality
Are considered to be framework for comprehending right or wrong while governing person’s behaviour during conducting of research activity.
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AIoT Concepts and Integration: Exploring Customer Interaction, Ethics, Policy, and Privacy
Ethics encompasses the fundamental principles and norms that govern moral judgments and actions, specifically in domains like technology and commerce, to ensure accountable and equitable conduct.
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White-Collar Criminals and Organizational Criminology: Theoretical Perspectives
The perception criteria for human behavior in terms of what is good or bad, right or wrong, and what is accepted or unaccepted with moral decisions and judgments.
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Influencer Marketing in Navigating Trends and Ethical Considerations
Moral principles that guide behavior. Influencer marketing must be conducted ethically, ensuring transparency and avoiding misleading practices.
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Ethical Decision-Making in Biomedical Engineering Research
The philosophical study of morality, of right and wrong, of good and evil in human conduct.
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Genetic Data: A Paradigm Shift in Marketing Strategies
It is a moral or right behavior the person should adopt or follow.
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Use of Soft and Neutrosophic Sets for a Mathematical Representation of the Ethical Rules
The standards of “good” and “bad” or “right” and “wrong” distinguished by a certain community or social setting.
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Understanding Culturally Responsive Play Through Drama-Based Pedagogy
A set of moral principles that govern a person’s behavior.
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Revisiting Automated Essay Scoring via the GPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: A Mixed Methods Study
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Integrity as a Core Value in Organizations
Is a discipline that attempts to examine and understand decision making where issues of right and wrong are involved.
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Bridging the Foundational Gap between Theory and Practice: The Paradigm on the Evolution of Business Ethics to Business Law
The study of issues of right and wrong on the principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or groups.
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Is It Ethical? A Multidimensional Approach to Facilitating Ethical Decision Making in Students
Standards for how people live and act. From the Greek “ethike” or “ethos,” it means custom or norm. A key question is, “How should people live their lives?” The term tends to be used for abstract or theoretical applications and is considered a branch of philosophy.
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Challenges and Limitations of Generative AI in Education
Ethics is a philosophical concept that deals with moral principles and rules of behavior as a field in which right and wrong, good and evil, just and unjust, and honest and fraudulent behaviors are examined and evaluated.
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Ethical Decision-Making in the Workplace
Concerned with what we ought to do, how we ought to live, and how we ought to organize our communities
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Healthcare Ethics in the Information Age
The descriptive and prescriptive study of what is right, wrong, good, and bad, of what ought and out not be done.
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Racing Ahead With Innovation: The Case for Hybrid Models and Ethical Decisions
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Importance of Ethics and Education to Understand the Audit Mission
Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
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Evaluation and Importance of Business Ethics in Terms of Organizational Culture
A system of principles, values and standards that describes and defines how individuals behave correctly.
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Leadership Ethics in Higher Education Administration: An Andragogical Perspective
The essence of conduct that includes integrity, rectitude, good, reliance, congruence, and trust and is operationalized and held together by reciprocity among all those things.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management in Light of Sustainable Development
The study of moral standards of an individual or a society that examines morality and principles of conduct.
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Relevance and Importance of Ethics in Post-Grad Research at South African Universities
Refers to the right behavior individuals in society should prescribe to.
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Information Security Awareness Among Postgraduate Students: A Study of Mangalore University
Moral principles govern a person's behavior or the performance of an activity. The discipline deals with what is morally good and evil and morally right and wrong.
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Dealing With Ethical Dilemma: Interventions for Sales Force
A moral philosophy or system of values practiced by a person or group of people.
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