Information Resources Management Association

Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) is a research-based professional organization dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of information resources management in modern organizations. IRMA's primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing information resources as key enterprise assets among IRM/IT professionals. IRMA brings together researchers, practitioners, academicians, and policy makers in information technology management from over 50 countries.


Research Anthology on Business Law, Policy, and Social Responsibility
Information Resources Management Association. © 2024. 2085 pages.
The complicated interactions between business, law, and societal expectations pose an unprecedented challenge in modern commerce. Businesses navigate an intricate ecosystem...
Research Anthology on Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Computational Biology
Information Resources Management Association. © 2024. 1483 pages.
In the evolving environment of bioinformatics, genomics, and computational biology, academic scholars are facing a challenging challenge – keeping informed about the latest...
Research Anthology on Applying Social Networking Strategies to Classrooms and Libraries
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1971 pages.
The introduction of social media has given many communities the opportunity to connect and communicate with each other at a higher level than ever before. Many organizations...
Research Anthology on Convergence of Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Security
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1324 pages.
The rise of technology has proven to be a threat to personal data, cyberspace protection, and organizational security. However, these technologies can be used to enhance the...
Research Anthology on Medical Informatics in Breast and Cervical Cancer
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 858 pages.
Cancer research is currently a vital field of study as it affects a wide range of the population either directly or indirectly. Breast and cervical cancer are two prevalent types...
Research Anthology on Managing Crisis and Risk Communications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 815 pages.
In times of crisis, it is crucial that information is disseminated quickly and accurately to the appropriate channels. In today’s technological world, there is a plethora of...
Research Anthology on Macroeconomics and the Achievement of Global Stability
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1906 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked economies around the world and created an era of global instability. As the pandemic comes to a close, it is essential to examine global...
Research Anthology on Modern Violence and Its Impact on Society
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1468 pages.
Violence on both large and small scales has a tremendous impact on society. The causes and impacts of violence have been under study for decades; however, in the modern era, it...
Research Anthology on Early Childhood Development and School Transition in the Digital Era
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1113 pages.
In today’s digital world, it is critical to ensure technology is utilized appropriately and best practices for adoption are continuously updated, particularly when it comes to...
Research Anthology on Social Media's Influence on Government, Politics, and Social Movements
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 775 pages.
The advent of social media has had varying effects across fields, industries, and governments. As more individuals rely on this technology, its uses continue to develop and...
Research Anthology on Remote Teaching and Learning and the Future of Online Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 2457 pages.
The sudden implementation of emergency health procedures at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many educators and educational institutions to explore new territory in...
Research Anthology on Improving Medical Imaging Techniques for Analysis and Intervention
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1630 pages.
Medical imaging provides medical professionals the unique ability to investigate and diagnose injuries and illnesses without being intrusive. With the surge of technological...
Research Anthology on BIM and Digital Twins in Smart Cities
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 552 pages.
In recent years, smart cities have been an emerging area of interest across the world. Due to this, numerous technologies and tools, such as building information modeling (BIM)...
Research Anthology on Microfinance Services and Roles in Social Progress
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 693 pages.
Microfinance has emerged as a growing field as more businesses discover the benefits and opportunities it provides. To ensure that microfinance is utilized appropriately, further...
Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1995 pages.
Videogames have risen in popularity in recent decades and continue to entertain many all over the world. As game design and development becomes more accessible to those outside...
Research Anthology on Approaches to Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 1360 pages.
Social entrepreneurship has grown in popularity in recent decades as a way to use business models and innovation to address social and environmental issues. While these ventures...
Research Anthology on Virtual Environments and Building the Metaverse
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 772 pages.
With the advent of virtual environments and communities, the metaverse has been rapidly expanding in recent years as businesses and industries have begun to see the value and...
Research Anthology on Balancing Family-Teacher Partnerships for Student Success
Information Resources Management Association. © 2023. 583 pages.
The partnership between families and teachers in education has been overlooked in the past to the detriment of students of all ages. This relationship can have a huge impact on...
Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2129 pages.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of safety and ergonomics in the workplace. From work-life balance and mental health to risk prevention, maintaining a...
Research Anthology on Artificial Neural Network Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1575 pages.
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) present many benefits in analyzing complex data in a proficient manner. As an effective and efficient problem-solving method, ANNs are...
Research Anthology on Computational Thinking, Programming, and Robotics in the Classroom
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 969 pages.
The education system is constantly growing and developing as more ways to teach and learn are implemented into the classroom. Recently, there has been a growing interest in...
Research Anthology on Improving Health Literacy Through Patient Communication and Mass Media
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 663 pages.
Increasing health literacy among patients is a difficult task as medical jargon and healthcare directions can be overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. In today’s digital...
Research Anthology on Physical and Intellectual Disabilities in an Inclusive Society
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1985 pages.
Discussions surrounding inclusivity have grown exponentially in recent years. In today’s world where diversity, equity, and inclusion are the hot topics in all aspects of...
Research Anthology on Recent Advancements in Ethnopharmacology and Nutraceuticals
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1263 pages.
For hundreds of years, indigenous populations have developed drugs based on medicinal plants. Many practitioners, especially advocates of traditional medicine, continue to...
Research Anthology on Strategies for Maintaining Successful Family Firms
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1146 pages.
Family-owned businesses account for many of the small and medium-sized enterprises that exist around the world in various industries. Due to their unique make up, these firms are...
Research Anthology on Advancements in Cybersecurity Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 578 pages.
Modern society has become dependent on technology, allowing personal information to be input and used across a variety of personal and professional systems. From banking to...
Research Anthology on Big Data Analytics, Architectures, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1988 pages.
Society is now completely driven by data with many industries relying on data to conduct business or basic functions within the organization. With the efficiencies that big data...
Research Anthology on Smart Grid and Microgrid Development
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1480 pages.
Smart grid and microgrid technology are growing exponentially as they are adopted throughout the world. These new technologies have revolutionized the way electricity is...
Research Anthology on Inclusive Practices for Educators and Administrators in Special Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1090 pages.
Inclusion in the classroom is a growing phenomenon that covers a range of areas and subjects; with prominent discussions about race, gender, sexual orientation, and age, today’s...
Research Anthology on Inclusivity and Equity for the LGBTQ+ Community
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 696 pages.
For many decades, the LGBTQ+ community has been plagued by strife and human rights violations. Members of the LGBTQ+ community were often denied a right to marriage, healthcare...
Research Anthology on Environmental and Societal Impacts of Climate Change
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2064 pages.
Climate change is an issue that has been generating a significant amount of discussion, research, and debate in recent years. Climate change continues to evolve at a rapid rate...
Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1656 pages.
Given the boost in global immigration and migration, as well as the emphasis on creating inclusive classrooms, research is turning to the challenges that teachers face with the...
Research Anthology on Cross-Disciplinary Designs and Applications of Automation
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1054 pages.
Throughout human history, technological advancements have been made for the ease of human labor. With our most recent advancements, it has been the work of scholars to discover...
Research Anthology on Business Aspects of Cybersecurity
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 698 pages.
Cybersecurity is vital for all businesses, regardless of sector. With constant threats and potential online dangers, businesses must remain aware of the current research and...
Research Anthology on Agile Software, Software Development, and Testing
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2164 pages.
Software development continues to be an ever-evolving field as organizations require new and innovative programs that can be implemented to make processes more efficient...
Research Anthology on Citizen Engagement and Activism for Social Change
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1611 pages.
Activism and the role everyday people play in making a change in society are increasingly popular topics in the world right now, especially as younger generations begin to speak...
Research Anthology on Developments in Gamification and Game-Based Learning
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1971 pages.
Technology has increasingly become utilized in classroom settings in order to allow students to enhance their experiences and understanding. Among such technologies that are...
Research Anthology on Emerging Techniques in Environmental Remediation
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 710 pages.
As industry develops globally, environmental pollution grows to be an increasingly serious problem with each passing year. While there are many things that individuals on every...
Research Anthology on Human Resource Practices for the Modern Workforce
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2224 pages.
Human resource departments have been a crucial part of business practices for decades and particularly in modern times as professionals deal with multigenerational workers...
Research Anthology on Service Learning and Community Engagement Teaching Practices
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1604 pages.
The need for more empathetic and community-focused students must begin with educators, as service-learning has begun to grow in popularity throughout the years. By implementing...
Research Anthology on Innovative Research Methodologies and Utilization Across Multiple Disciplines
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 663 pages.
Research methodology is as old as academia itself. Research methodology shifts in strategy as it crosses different disciplines and theories. This, too, is true with the shifting...
Research Anthology on Measuring and Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1235 pages.
The Sustainable Development Goals are an ongoing focus around the world as the needs of people and society continue to evolve at a rapid pace. The need for a more sustainable...
Research Anthology on Business Continuity and Navigating Times of Crisis
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1907 pages.
When the COVID-19 pandemic caused a halt in global society, many business leaders found themselves unprepared for the unprecedented change that swept across industry. Whether the...
Research Anthology on Racial Equity, Identity, and Privilege
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1407 pages.
Past injustice against racial groups rings out throughout history and negatively affects today’s society. Not only do people hold onto negative perceptions, but government...
Research Anthology on Feminist Studies and Gender Perceptions
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 779 pages.
Global society has always been impacted by the perception of gender. While gender roles may differ in certain cultures, many cultures around the world have allowed for the...
Research Anthology on Fandoms, Online Social Communities, and Pop Culture
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 444 pages.
The internet has grown to become one of the largest communication hubs in history. With its ability to share content and create community bonds, it has seen many fandoms and...
Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1875 pages.
In today’s rapidly evolving society, there has been an increase in technologies and systems available to support the elderly throughout various aspects of life. We have come a...
Research Anthology on Strategies for Achieving Agricultural Sustainability
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1364 pages.
Agriculture has been an enduring human tradition key to survival and civilization. However, after the advent of industrialization and agricultural growth, the industry has been...
Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 469 pages.
Music is a vital piece of life that not only allows individuals a chance to express themselves, but also an opportunity for people and communities to come together. Music has...
Research Anthology on Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 590 pages.
The study of pediatric and adolescent medicine is an essential part of medicine as children react to diseases differently than adults. As new viruses continue to emerge, and as...
Research Anthology on Developing Socially Responsible Businesses
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2235 pages.
In today’s world of global change, it has never been more critical for businesses to adapt their strategies, management styles, and policies to match that of the surrounding...
Research Anthology on Combating Cyber-Aggression and Online Negativity
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1658 pages.
The advent of the internet and social media were landmarks in furthering communication technologies. Through social media websites, families, friends, and communities could...
Research Anthology on Child and Domestic Abuse and Its Prevention
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 964 pages.
Every day, both adults and children are victimized in unhealthy relationships. Domestic and child abuse have surged during the COVID-19 pandemic as potential escapes from abuse...
Research Anthology on Doctoral Student Professional Development
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 542 pages.
The path for doctoral students is laden with obstacles and challenges that can cause students to stumble if they are not prepared for what their future holds. In order to avoid...
Research Anthology on Ecosystem Conservation and Preserving Biodiversity
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1915 pages.
In today’s rapidly evolving world, it has never been more critical to consider key environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and endangered species. Society faces...
Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1681 pages.
Whether through speech, writing, or other methods, language and communication has been an essential tool for human cooperation and development. Across the world, language varies...
Research Anthology on Vocational Education and Preparing Future Workers
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 925 pages.
Many students across the globe seek further education for future employment opportunities. Vocational schools offer direct training to develop the skills needed for employment....
Research Anthology on Edge Computing Protocols, Applications, and Integration
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 719 pages.
Edge computing is quickly becoming an important technology throughout a number of fields as businesses and industries alike embrace the benefits it can have in their companies....
Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 2012 pages.
Social media has become a key tool that businesses must utilize in all areas of their practices to build relationships with their customer base and promote their products. This...
Research Anthology on Machine Learning Techniques, Methods, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1516 pages.
Machine learning continues to have myriad applications across industries and fields. To ensure this technology is utilized appropriately and to its full potential, organizations...
Research Anthology on Makerspaces and 3D Printing in Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 771 pages.
Education has changed dramatically in recent years as educational technologies evolve and develop at a rapid pace. Teachers and institutions must constantly update their...
Research Anthology on Advancements in Women's Health and Reproductive Rights
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1101 pages.
Reproductive health and rights are critical topics in today’s society as laws and policies are continuously debated and adjusted across the world. There are many different...
Research Anthology on Implementing Sentiment Analysis Across Multiple Disciplines
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1933 pages.
The rise of internet and social media usage in the past couple of decades has presented a very useful tool for many different industries and fields to utilize. With much of the...
Research Anthology on Usage, Identity, and Impact of Social Media on Society and Culture
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1347 pages.
Much of the world has access to internet and social media. The internet has quickly become a new hub for not only communication, but also community development. In most...
Research Anthology on Securing Medical Systems and Records
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 1027 pages.
With the influx of internet and mobile technology usage, many medical institutions—from doctor’s offices to hospitals—have implemented new online technologies for the storage and...
Research Anthology on Interventions in Student Behavior and Misconduct
Information Resources Management Association. © 2022. 847 pages.
Academic classrooms in both K-12 and higher education feature diverse students with many different backgrounds, personalities, and attitudes toward learning. A large challenge in...
Research Anthology on Recent Trends, Tools, and Implications of Computer Programming
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2069 pages.
Programming has become a significant part of connecting theoretical development and scientific application computation. Computer programs and processes that take into account the...
Research Anthology on Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Students
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1537 pages.
Learning strategies for critical thinking are a vital part of today’s curriculum as students have few additional opportunities to learn these skills outside of school...
Research Anthology on Rehabilitation Practices and Therapy
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1973 pages.
The availability of practical applications, techniques, and case studies by international therapists is limited despite expansions to the fields of clinical psychology...
Research Anthology on Religious Impacts on Society
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 825 pages.
Religion is considered by many to be something of the past, but it has a lasting hold in society and influences people across many cultures. This integration of spirituality...
Research Anthology on Preparing School Administrators to Lead Quality Education Programs
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1829 pages.
The delivery of quality education to students relies heavily on the actions of an institution’s administrative staff. Effective leadership strategies allow for the continued...
Research Anthology on Diagnosing and Treating Neurocognitive Disorders
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 671 pages.
Cognitive impairment, through Alzheimer’s disease or other related forms of dementia, is a serious concern for afflicted individuals and their caregivers. Understanding patients’...
Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2700 pages.
Distributed systems intertwine with our everyday lives. The benefits and current shortcomings of the underpinning technologies are experienced by a wide range of people and their...
Research Anthology on Business and Technical Education in the Information Era
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1448 pages.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has disrupted businesses worldwide through the introduction of highly automated processes. This disruption has affected the way in which...
Research Anthology on Combating Denial-of-Service Attacks
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 655 pages.
Our world is increasingly driven by sophisticated networks of advanced computing technology, and the basic operation of everyday society is becoming increasingly vulnerable to...
Research Anthology on Blockchain Technology in Business, Healthcare, Education, and Government
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1924 pages.
Even though blockchain technology was originally created as a ledger system for bitcoin to operate on, using it for areas other than cryptocurrency has become increasingly...
Research Anthology on Food Waste Reduction and Alternative Diets for Food and Nutrition Security
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1318 pages.
The world population is expected to increase exponentially within the next decade, which means that the food demand will increase and so will waste production. The increasing...
Research Anthology on Reliability and Safety in Aviation Systems, Spacecraft, and Air Transport
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1601 pages.
As with other transportation methods, safety issues in aircraft can result in a total loss of life. Recently, the air transport industry has come under immense scrutiny after...
Research Anthology on School Shootings, Peer Victimization, and Solutions for Building Safer Educational Institutions
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 824 pages.
Though decades ago school shootings were rare events, today they are becoming normalized. Active shooter drills have become more commonplace as pressure is placed on schools and...
Research Anthology on Fake News, Political Warfare, and Combatting the Spread of Misinformation
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 653 pages.
With recent headlines around fake news from world leaders and around presidential elections, Twitter and other social media platforms being pressured to detect and label...
Research Anthology on Facilitating New Educational Practices Through Communities of Learning
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 843 pages.
With the future of education being disrupted and the onset of day-to-day uncertainties and challenges that have to be solved quickly, teachers are now turning to professional...
Research Anthology on Digital Transformation, Organizational Change, and the Impact of Remote Work
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2049 pages.
As the use of remote work has recently skyrocketed, digital transformation within the workplace has gone under a microscope, and it has become abundantly clear that the...
Research Anthology on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Security
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2253 pages.
As industries are rapidly being digitalized and information is being more heavily stored and transmitted online, the security of information has become a top priority in securing...
Research Anthology on Instilling Social Justice in the Classroom
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1673 pages.
The issue of social justice has been brought to the forefront of society within recent years, and educational institutions have become an integral part of this critical...
Research Anthology on Business Strategies, Health Factors, and Ethical Implications in Sports and eSports
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1008 pages.
From issues of racism to the severity of concussions to celebrity endorsements, the sports industry continues to significantly impact society. With the rise of eSports and its...
Research Anthology on Developing and Optimizing 5G Networks and the Impact on Society
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1085 pages.
As technology advances, the emergence of 5G has become an essential discussion moving forward as its applications and benefits are expected to enhance many areas of life. The...
Research Anthology on Developing Effective Online Learning Courses
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2104 pages.
In the current educational environment, there has been a shift towards online learning as a replacement for the traditional in-person classroom experience. With this new...
Research Anthology on Multi-Industry Uses of Genetic Programming and Algorithms
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1534 pages.
Genetic programming is a new and evolutionary method that has become a novel area of research within artificial intelligence known for automatically generating high-quality...
Research Anthology on Personal Finance and Improving Financial Literacy
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 600 pages.
Developing personal financial skills and improving financial literacy are fundamental aspects for managing money and propelling a bright financial future. Considering life events...
Research Anthology on Emerging Technologies and Ethical Implications in Human Enhancement
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 791 pages.
Along with the introduction of technology in nearly every facet of human life comes the question of the ethical side of using technology to improve the human condition, whether...
Research Anthology on Collaboration, Digital Services, and Resource Management for the Sustainability of Libraries
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1096 pages.
Faced with increased budget cuts, libraries must continue to advance their services through new technologies and practices in order to keep pace with the rapid changes society is...
Research Anthology on Telemedicine Efficacy, Adoption, and Impact on Healthcare Delivery
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 689 pages.
Telemedicine, which involves electronic communications and software, provides the same clinical services to patients without the requirement of an in-person visit. Essentially...
Research Anthology on Mental Health Stigma, Education, and Treatment
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1305 pages.
In times of uncertainty and crisis, the mental health of individuals become a concern as added stressors and pressures can cause depression, anxiety, and stress. Today...
Research Anthology on Securing Mobile Technologies and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 837 pages.
Mobile technologies have become a staple in society for their accessibility and diverse range of applications that are continually growing and advancing. Users are increasingly...
Research Anthology on Concepts, Applications, and Challenges of FinTech
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 671 pages.
FinTech, an abbreviated term for financial technology, is a digital revolution changing the way banking and financial services are being used both by individuals and businesses....
Research Anthology on Empowering Marginalized Communities and Mitigating Racism and Discrimination
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1302 pages.
With the newly inaugurated US Presidential Administration signing several orders to mitigate discrimination and racism within the United States government, attentions globally...
Research Anthology on Cross-Industry Challenges of Industry 4.0
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2004 pages.
As Industry 4.0 brings on a new bout of transformation and fundamental changes in various industries, the traditional manufacturing and production methods are falling to the...
Research Anthology on Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Nanomaterials
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1917 pages.
The use of nanotechnologies continues to grow, as nanomaterials have proven their versatility and use in many different fields and industries within the scientific profession....
Research Anthology on Challenges for Women in Leadership Roles
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 877 pages.
The role of women in the workplace has rapidly advanced and changed within the previous decade, leading to a current position in which women are taking over leadership roles and...
Research Anthology on Advancements in Quantum Technology
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 468 pages.
Quantum technology has arrived as one of the most important new topics of research, as it is the newest way to create computing power, harness secure communications, and use...
Research Anthology on Adult Education and the Development of Lifelong Learners
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1551 pages.
Whether it is earning a GED, a particular skill, or technical topic for a career, taking classes of interest, or even returning to begin a degree program or completing it, adult...
Research Anthology on Privatizing and Securing Data
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2188 pages.
With the immense amount of data that is now available online, security concerns have been an issue from the start, and have grown as new technologies are increasingly integrated...
Research Anthology on E-Commerce Adoption, Models, and Applications for Modern Business
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1964 pages.
In the next few years, it is expected that most businesses will have transitioned to the use of electronic commerce technologies, namely e-commerce. This acceleration in the...
Research Anthology on Public Health Services, Policies, and Education
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 840 pages.
Public health has become an essential area of focus in terms of the way it operates, the services offered, policies, and more. Maintaining an effective public health system and...
Research Anthology on Navigating School Counseling in the 21st Century
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 705 pages.
School counseling in the 21st century requires a new set of skills and practices than seen in past decades. With a sharper focus on social justice, the experiences and challenges...
Research Anthology on Strategies for Using Social Media as a Service and Tool in Business
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1865 pages.
Social media has become an integral part of society as social networking has become a main form of communication and human interaction. To stay relevant, businesses have adopted...
Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in Healthcare, Business, and Engineering
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1538 pages.
Decision support systems (DSS) are widely touted for their effectiveness in aiding decision making, particularly across a wide and diverse range of industries including...
Research Anthology on Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1061 pages.
As education continues to take great strides to become more inclusive and understanding of diverse students and cultures, teaching practices and methods for learning are an...
Research Anthology on Military and Defense Applications, Utilization, Education, and Ethics
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 685 pages.
Military technology is highly advanced in terms of technology being used in the field, computer applications, artificial intelligence, and software applications. These...
Research Anthology on Environmental and Societal Well-Being Considerations in Buildings and Architecture
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 562 pages.
When it comes to architecture, there has been a focus on sustainable buildings and human well-being in the built environment. Buildings should not only be environmentally...
Research Anthology on Clean Energy Management and Solutions
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 2002 pages.
Energy usage and consumption continue to rise globally each year, with the most efficient and cost-effective energy sources causing huge impacts to the environment. In an effort...
Research Anthology on Small Business Strategies for Success and Survival
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 1496 pages.
Running a small business provides opportunity for greater success, increased growth, and potentially the chance to move to the global business arena, yet also much more risk....
Research Anthology on Usage and Development of Open Source Software
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 904 pages.
The quick growth of computer technology and development of software caused it to be in a constant state of change and advancement. This advancement in software development meant...
Research Anthology on Nursing Education and Overcoming Challenges in the Workplace
Information Resources Management Association. © 2021. 475 pages.
Nursing care professionals are an essential part of the medical profession, known for their care and the assistance that they offer to patients. However, nurses must also tackle...
Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2186 pages.
The proliferation of entrepreneurship, technological and business innovations, emerging social trends and lifestyles, employment patterns, and other developments in the global...
Megacities and Rapid Urbanization: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 612 pages.
As the global population continues to increase, it has become necessary to find ways to handle this increase through various policy tools that address population growth and...
Multicultural Instructional Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1652 pages.
As the world becomes more globalized, student populations in educational settings will continue to grow in diversity. To ensure students develop the cultural competence to adapt...
Global Branding: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 969 pages.
To survive in today’s competitive and globalized business environment, marketing professionals must look to develop innovative methods of reaching their customers and...
Sustainable Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1962 pages.
In the increasingly competitive corporate sector, businesses must examine their current practices to ensure business success. By examining their social, financial, and...
Language Learning and Literacy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 954 pages.
Teaching language learners has long presented challenges for teachers who are tasked with leading these students to a level of language comprehension comparable to that of native...
Environmental and Agricultural Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1734 pages.
The digital age has presented an exponential growth in the amount of data available to individuals looking to draw conclusions based on given or collected information across...
Additive Manufacturing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 523 pages.
The advancement of modern technology has allowed for impressive developments in manufacturing processes. Out of these developments, additive manufacturing has emerged as a new...
Open Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2581 pages.
Open government initiatives have become a defining goal for public administrators around the world. As technology and social media tools become more integrated into society, they...
Virtual and Mobile Healthcare: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1064 pages.
One of the primary topics at the center of discussion, and very often debate, between industry professionals, government officials, and the general public is the current...
Securing the Internet of Things: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1805 pages.
The ubiquity of modern technologies has allowed for increased connectivity between people and devices across the globe. This connected infrastructure of networks creates numerous...
Media Controversy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 814 pages.
Media is rapidly evolving. From social media to news channels, individuals are being bombarded with headlines, new technologies, and varying opinions. Consequently, it has become...
Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1671 pages.
Due to the growing use of web applications and communication devices, the use of data has increased throughout various industries. It is necessary to develop new techniques for...
Information Diffusion Management and Knowledge Sharing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 920 pages.
Within the past 10 years, tremendous innovations have been brought forth in information diffusion and management. Such technologies as social media have transformed the way that...
Learning and Performance Assessment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1757 pages.
As teaching strategies continue to change and evolve, and technology use in classrooms continues to increase, it is imperative that their impact on student learning is monitored...
Indigenous Studies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 773 pages.
Global interest in indigenous studies has been rapidly growing as researchers realize the importance of understanding the impact indigenous communities can have on the economy...
Five Generations and Only One Workforce: How Successful Businesses Are Managing a Multigenerational Workforce
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 364 pages.
Due to more individuals retiring at a later age, today’s workforce consists of five generations of workers with various educational backgrounds, ages, experience levels, and...
Developing Eco-Cities Through Policy, Planning, and Innovation: Can It Really Work?
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 374 pages.
The worldwide consumption of resources is causing environmental damage at a rate that cannot be sustained. Apart from the resulting environmental and health problems, this trend...
Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2148 pages.
Business practices are constantly evolving in order to meet growing customer demands. Evaluating the role of logistics and supply chain management skills or applications is...
Sustainable Infrastructure: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1044 pages.
The continued growth of any nation depends largely on the development of their built infrastructures and communities. By creating stable infrastructures, countries can more...
Natural Language Processing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1704 pages.
As technology continues to become more sophisticated, a computer’s ability to understand, interpret, and manipulate natural language is also accelerating. Persistent research in...
Occupational Stress: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 491 pages.
There are many different types and causes of trauma and stress in the workplace that can impact employee behavior and performance. Corporations have a social responsibility to...
Data Analytics in Medicine: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2071 pages.
Advancements in data science have created opportunities to sort, manage, and analyze large amounts of data more effectively and efficiently. Applying these new technologies to...
Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 991 pages.
One of the major tools of attaining proper development all around the world is creating wealth and economic inclusion, such that all classes of people can secure their lifestyles...
Waste Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1680 pages.
As the world’s population continues to grow and economic conditions continue to improve, more solid and liquid waste is being generated by society. Improper disposal methods can...
Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1040 pages.
Education is a necessary foundation for improving one’s livelihood in today’s society. However, traditional learning has often excluded or presented a challenge to students with...
Alternative Pain Management: Solutions for Avoiding Prescription Drug Overuse
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 388 pages.
With the growing dependency on prescription drugs and concerns about the rise of opioid addiction, providing effective pain management alternatives is a primary concern for...
Developing Safer Online Environments for Children: Tools and Policies for Combatting Cyber Aggression
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 416 pages.
As the digital world assumes an ever-increasing role in the daily lives of the public, opportunities to engage in crimes increase as well. The prevention of cyber aggression is...
Robotic Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2075 pages.
Through expanded intelligence, the use of robotics has fundamentally transformed a variety of fields, including manufacturing, aerospace, medicine, social services, and...
Mobile Devices in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1076 pages.
As technology advances, mobile devices have become more affordable and useful to countries around the world. The use of technology can significantly enhance educational...
Start-Ups and SMEs: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1687 pages.
Smaller companies are abundant in the business realm and outnumber large companies by a wide margin. To maintain a competitive edge against other businesses, companies must...
Cryptography: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 578 pages.
Advances in technology have provided numerous innovations that make people’s daily lives easier and more convenient. However, as technology becomes more ubiquitous, corresponding...
Innovations in Global Maternal Health: Improving Prenatal and Postnatal Care Practices
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 437 pages.
Whether they are in developed or developing nations, all women are susceptible to dying from complications in childbirth. While some of these complications are unavoidable, many...
Foreign Direct Investments: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 2100 pages.
Globalization, accelerated by information technologies, has increased the speed of business transactions and has reduced the distances between international businesses. This...
Hospital Management and Emergency Medicine: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 627 pages.
Improvements in hospital management and emergency medical and critical care services require continual attention and dedication to ensure efficient and proper care for citizens....
Sensor Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1618 pages.
Collecting and processing data is a necessary aspect of living in a technologically advanced society. Whether it’s monitoring events, controlling different variables, or using...
Religion and Theology: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 488 pages.
Religion is considered by many to be something of the past, but it has a lasting hold in society and influences people across many cultures. This integration of spirituality...
Cognitive Analytics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1961 pages.
Due to the growing use of web applications and communication devices, the use of data has increased throughout various industries, including business and healthcare. It is...
Digital Libraries and Institutional Repositories: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 579 pages.
Technology has revolutionized the ways in which libraries store, share, and access information, as well as librarian roles as knowledge managers. As digital resources and tools...
Cyber Warfare and Terrorism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1697 pages.
Through the rise of big data and the internet of things, terrorist organizations have been freed from geographic and logistical confines and now have more power than ever before...
Destination Management and Marketing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1214 pages.
The marketing of a destination necessitates strategic planning, decision making, and organization. Effective positioning will result in a strong brand that develops an emotional...
Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Emergency Services: Emerging Tools and Technologies for First Responders
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 464 pages.
During emergency situations, society relies upon the efficient response time and effective services of emergency facilities that include fire departments, law enforcement, search...
African Studies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 1022 pages.
Global interest in African studies has been rapidly growing as researchers realize the importance of understanding the impact African communities can have on the economy...
Digital Forensics and Forensic Investigations: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2020. 562 pages.
As computer and internet technologies continue to advance at a fast pace, the rate of cybercrimes is increasing. Crimes employing mobile devices, data embedding/mining systems...
Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1655 pages.
The decisions a corporation makes affect more than just its stakeholders and can have wide social, environmental, and economic consequences. This facilitates a business...
Emergency and Disaster Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1723 pages.
In a world of earthquakes, tsunamis, and terrorist attacks, emergency response plans are crucial to solving problems, overcoming challenges, and restoring and improving...
Consumer-Driven Technologies in Healthcare: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 460 pages.
The world of medical technologies is undergoing a sea change in the domain of consumer culture. Having a grasp on what appeals to consumers and how consumers are making...
Digital Currency: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 341 pages.
Digital technology has revitalized the landscape of the global economy. As digital currency, such as bitcoin and IOTA, continues to become more prominent in society, conducting...
Gender and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2006 pages.
Today, gender inequality and diversity are at the forefront of discussion, as the issue has become an international concern for politicians, government agencies, social...
Healthcare Policy and Reform: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1594 pages.
Industry professionals, government officials, and the general public often agree that the modern healthcare system is in need of an overhaul. With many organizations concerned...
Immigration and the Current Social, Political, and Economic Climate: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 740 pages.
Unstable social climates are causing the displacement of large numbers of people around the world. In consequence, the issue of safe relocation arises, leading to the need for...
Digital Curation: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 489 pages.
The effective use of technology offers numerous benefits in protecting cultural heritage. With the proper implementation of these tools, the management and conservation of...
Smart Cities and Smart Spaces: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1707 pages.
As populations have continued to grow and expand, many people have made their homes in cities around the globe. With this increase in city living, it is becoming vital to create...
Environmental Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1726 pages.
This three-volume publication is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it provides over 75 chapters containing the latest research on information systems, remote sensing, and...
Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 753 pages.
Violent behavior is an unavoidable aspect of human nature, and as such, it has become deeply integrated into modern society. Examining violence through a critical, academic, and...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 620 pages.
The diagnosis and treatment of disease is a primary concern for health professionals and all of society. With the growing use of alternative medicine, patients can receive a...
Censorship, Surveillance, and Privacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2174 pages.
The censorship and surveillance of individuals, societies, and countries have been a long-debated ethical and moral issue. In consequence, it is vital to explore this...
Brand Culture and Identity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1556 pages.
The world of brands is undergoing a sea change in the domain of consumer culture, and it has become a challenge to cater to the taste and needs of audiences. The process of...
Violent Extremism: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 541 pages.
Advances in digital and other technologies have provided ample positive impacts to modern society; however, in addition to such benefits, these innovations have inadvertently...
Chronic Illness and Long-Term Care: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 845 pages.
Stemming from environmental, genetic, and situational factors, chronic disease is a critical concern in modern medicine. Managing treatment and controlling symptoms is imperative...
Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2262 pages.
As with any industry, the education sector goes through frequent changes due to modern technological advancements. It is every educator’s duty to keep up with these shifting...
Oceanography and Coastal Informatics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 469 pages.
To date, a vast amount of the world’s oceans remains uncharted. With water covering more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, maritime and oceanographic exploration and...
Socio-Economic Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1699 pages.
The social and economic systems of any country are influenced by a range of factors including income and education. As such, it is vital to examine how these factors are creating...
Architecture and Design: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1385 pages.
Technological evolutions have changed the field of architecture exponentially, leading to more stable and energy-efficient building structures. Architects and engineers must be...
Web Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2321 pages.
Web service technologies are redefining the way that large and small companies are doing business and exchanging information. Due to the critical need for furthering automation...
Sustainable Tourism: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 522 pages.
Many countries rely on cultural sites and destinations to support their economies. However, they are faced with the ongoing challenge of sustaining tourist attractions and...
Early Childhood Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1623 pages.
A focus on the developmental progress of children before the age of eight helps to inform their future successes, including their personality, social behavior, and intellectual...
Gender Economics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 815 pages.
Gender Economics challenges current economic theory, targeting the way gender is often used for economic gain or increased market share. Experts realize that company growth can...
Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2194 pages.
In a diverse society, the ability to cross communication barriers is critical to the success of any individual personally, professionally, and academically. With the constant...
Substance Abuse and Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 459 pages.
Addiction is a powerful and destructive condition impacting large portions of the population around the world. Addiction takes many forms and has the potential to impact...
Civic Engagement and Politics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1470 pages.
Creating transparency between government and citizens through outreach and engagement initiatives is critical to promoting community development and is also an essential part of...
Police Science: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 540 pages.
Violent behavior is an unavoidable aspect of human nature, and as such, it has become deeply integrated into modern society. In order to protect and defend citizens, the...
Multigenerational Online Behavior and Media Use: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1765 pages.
The rapid evolution of technology continuously changes the way people interact, work, and learn. By examining these advances from a sociological perspective, researchers can...
National Security: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 915 pages.
The tactical organization and protection of resources is a vital component for any governmental entity. Effectively managing national security through various networks ensures...
Green Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1685 pages.
The issues of sustainability and corporate social responsibility have become vital discussions in many industries within the public and private sectors. In the business realm...
TPACK: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 573 pages.
Educational technologies are becoming commonplace entities in classrooms as they provide more options and support for teachers and students. However, many teachers are finding...
Geospatial Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1853 pages.
Decision makers, such as government officials, need to better understand human activity in order to make informed decisions. With the ability to measure and explore geographic...
Scholarly Ethics and Publishing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 919 pages.
A vital component of any publishing project is the ethical dimensions, which can refer to varied categories of practice: from conducting a proper peer review to using proper...
Rapid Automation: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1566 pages.
Through expanded intelligence, the use of robotics has fundamentally transformed the business industry. Providing successful techniques in robotic design allows for increased...
Urban Agriculture and Food Systems: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 592 pages.
In recent years, the global economy has struggled to meet the nutritional needs of a growing populace. In an effort to circumvent a deepening food crisis, it is pertinent to...
Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2218 pages.
Cloud computing has experienced explosive growth and is expected to continue to rise in popularity as new services and applications become available. As with any new technology...
Virtual Reality in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 845 pages.
Modern technology has infiltrated many facets of society, including educational environments. Through the use of virtual learning, educational systems can become more efficient...
Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1764 pages.
Businesses are looking for methods to incorporate social entrepreneurship in order to generate a positive return to society. Social enterprises have the ability to improve...
Coronary and Cardiothoracic Critical Care: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 558 pages.
In order to remain up-to-date on the best healthcare initiatives, medical professionals must continuously seek new research on best practices and procedures to provide efficient...
Human Performance Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1946 pages.
Business practices are rapidly changing due to technological advances in the workplace. Organizations are challenged to implement new programs for more efficient business while...
Journalism and Ethics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 913 pages.
In the modern hyperconnected society, consumers are able to access news from a variety of channels, including social media, television, mobile devices, the internet, and more....
Crowdsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1677 pages.
With the growth of information technology, many new communication channels and platforms have emerged. This growth has advanced the work of crowdsourcing, allowing individuals...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 558 pages.
First used in military applications, unmanned aerial vehicles are becoming an integral aspect of modern society and are expanding into the commercial, scientific, recreational...
Cyber Law, Privacy, and Security: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 1839 pages.
The internet is established in most households worldwide and used for entertainment purposes, shopping, social networking, business activities, banking, telemedicine, and more....
Internet and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 758 pages.
Addiction is a powerful and destructive condition impacting large portions of the population around the world, and because of ubiquitous technology, social networking and...
Biotechnology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 2183 pages.
Biotechnology can be defined as the manipulation of biological process, systems, and organisms in the production of various products. With applications in a number of fields such...
Immigration and Refugee Policy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2019. 469 pages.
Unstable social climates are causing the displacement of large numbers of people around the world. Thus, the issue of safe replacement arises, causing the need for examining and...
Student Engagement and Participation: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1595 pages.
The delivery of quality education to students relies heavily on the actions of an institution’s administrative staff. Effective teaching strategies allow for the continued...
Smart Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 602 pages.
Ongoing advancements in modern technology have led to significant developments with smart technologies. With the numerous applications available, it becomes imperative to conduct...
Game Theory: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 505 pages.
Developments in the use of game theory have impacted multiple fields and created opportunities for new applications. With the ubiquity of these developments, there is an increase...
Mobile Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1555 pages.
In the era of digital technology, business transactions and partnerships across borders have become easier than ever. As part of this shift in the corporate sphere, managers...
Business Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1492 pages.
In the increasingly competitive corporate sector, organizational leaders must examine their current practices to ensure business success. This can be accomplished by implementing...
Biomedical Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1463 pages.
Technological tools and computational techniques have enhanced the healthcare industry. These advancements have led to significant progress and novel opportunities for biomedical...
The Dark Web: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 377 pages.
In the digital era, the Internet has evolved into a ubiquitous aspect of modern society. With the prominence of the Dark Web, understanding the components of the Internet and its...
Health Economics and Healthcare Reform: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 478 pages.
The effective delivery of healthcare services is vital to the general welfare and well-being of a country’s citizens. Financial infrastructure and policy reform can play a...
Information and Technology Literacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2349 pages.
People currently live in a digital age in which technology is now a ubiquitous part of society. It has become imperative to develop and maintain a comprehensive understanding of...
Application Development and Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1611 pages.
Advancements in technology have allowed for the creation of new tools and innovations that can improve different aspects of life. These applications can be utilized across...
Hydrology and Water Resource Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 443 pages.
A prime concern in contemporary environmental science is the proper management of water supply and usage. It is critical to develop effective processes to manage these resources...
Fashion and Textiles: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 540 pages.
Management technique and operation strategies vary depending on the particular industry. This allows businesses in that industry to thrive and increase competitive advantage....
Sustainable Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1725 pages.
To maintain a healthy ecosystem for contemporary society, and for future generations, policies must be implemented to protect the environment. This can be achieved by consistent...
Digital Multimedia: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1763 pages.
Contemporary society resides in an age of ubiquitous technology. With the consistent creation and wide availability of multimedia content, it has become imperative to remain...
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 430 pages.
Developmental disorders affect a high percentage of people in contemporary society. As such, it is imperative to dedicate time and research to facilitate a more comprehensive...
K-12 STEM Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1030 pages.
Education is vital to the progression and sustainability of society. By developing effective learning programs, this creates numerous impacts and benefits for future generations...
Operations and Service Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1780 pages.
Organizations of all types are consistently working on new initiatives, product lines, and workflows as a way to remain competitive in the modern business environment. No matter...
Library Science and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1735 pages.
Effective administration of libraries is a crucial part of delivering library services to the public. To develop and implement best practices, librarians must be aware and...
Social Issues in the Workplace: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 986 pages.
Corporations have a social responsibility to assist in the overall well-being of their employees through the compliance of moral business standards and practices. However, many...
Medical Tourism: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 378 pages.
The era of globalization allows for more connectivity between nations and cultures. This increase in international association gives citizens the ability to take advantage of...
Computer Systems and Software Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2087 pages.
Professionals in the interdisciplinary field of computer science focus on the design, operation, and maintenance of computational systems and software. Methodologies and tools of...
Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1596 pages.
The development of better processes to provide proper healthcare has enhanced contemporary society. By implementing effective collaborative strategies, this ensures proper...
Media Influence: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 538 pages.
In the digital era, users from around the world are constantly connected over a global network and they can connect, share, and collaborate like never before. To make the most of...
Risk and Contingency Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 472 pages.
In business, mistakes and errors will inevitably occur. As such, organizations must be constantly alert and ready to meet challenges head-on. Risk and Contingency Management...
Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1723 pages.
Consumer interaction and engagement are vital components to help marketers maintain a lasting relationship with their customers. To achieve this goal, companies must utilize...
Information Retrieval and Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2336 pages.
With the increased use of technology in modern society, high volumes of multimedia information exists. It is important for businesses, organizations, and individuals to...
Ophthalmology: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 337 pages.
Advanced techniques in eye care has significantly influenced how diseases and conditions are treated and diagnosed. While many strides have been made, there is still continuous...
Gamification in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 677 pages.
Serious games provide a unique opportunity to fully engage students more than traditional teaching approaches. Understanding the best way to utilize these games and the concept...
Technology Adoption and Social Issues: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1736 pages.
As society continues to experience increases in technological innovations, various industries must rapidly adapt and learn to incorporate these advances. While there are benefits...
Computer Vision: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2451 pages.
The fields of computer vision and image processing are constantly evolving as new research and applications in these areas emerge. Staying abreast of the most up-to-date...
Food Science and Nutrition: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 501 pages.
Health and nutrition has become a global focal point as the population continues to grow exponentially. While providing food for the global population is crucial, it is also...
Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1111 pages.
From driverless cars to vehicular networks, recent technological advances are being employed to increase road safety and improve driver satisfaction. As with any newly developed...
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1845 pages.
Virtual and augmented reality is the next frontier of technological innovation. As technology exponentially evolves, so do the ways in which humans interact and depend upon it....
Online Course Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2240 pages.
The rapid growth in online and virtual learning opportunities has created culturally diverse classes and corporate training sessions. Instruction for these learning opportunities...
Sports Media, Marketing, and Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 558 pages.
This title is an IGI Global Core Reference for 2019 as it is one of the best-selling reference books of 2018 within the Business and Management subject area. This publication...
Applications of Neuroscience: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 501 pages.
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary research area that evaluates the structural and organizational function of the nervous system. Advancing research and applications in this...
Global Business Expansion: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1760 pages.
As businesses seek to compete on a global stage, they must be constantly aware of pressures from all levels: regional, local, and worldwide. The organizations that can best build...
Wearable Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1571 pages.
Advances in technology continue to alter the ways in which we conduct our lives, from the private sphere to how we interact with others in public. As these innovations become...
Climate Change and Environmental Concerns: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 694 pages.
The existence of the human race has created inevitable effects on our surrounding environment. To prevent further harm to the world’s ecosystems, it becomes imperative to assess...
Nursing Education, Administration, and Informatics: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 526 pages.
As information systems become ever more pervasive in an increasing number of fields and professions, nurses in healthcare and medicine must take into consideration new advances...
Teacher Training and Professional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2240 pages.
Regardless of the field or discipline, technology is rapidly advancing, and individuals are faced with the challenge of adapting to these new innovations. To remain up-to-date on...
Cyber Security and Threats: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1711 pages.
Cyber security has become a topic of concern over the past decade as private industry, public administration, commerce, and communication have gained a greater online presence....
Social Media Marketing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1572 pages.
In the digital age, numerous technological tools are available to enhance business processes. When these tools are used effectively, knowledge sharing and organizational success...
Veterinary Science: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 369 pages.
Modern medicine is changing drastically as new technologies emerge to transform the way in which patients are diagnosed, treated, and monitored. In particular, veterinary...
Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 2351 pages.
Ongoing advancements in modern technology have led to significant developments in intelligent systems. With the numerous applications available, it becomes imperative to conduct...
E-Planning and Collaboration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 1742 pages.
As population growth accelerates, researchers and professionals face challenges as they attempt to plan for the future. E-planning is a significant component in addressing the...
Fog Computing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 399 pages.
Fog computing is rapidly expanding in its applications and capabilities through various parts of society. Utilizing different types of virtualization technologies can push this...
Social Media in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2018. 405 pages.
In the digital age, numerous technological tools are available to enhance educational practices. When used effectively, student engagement and mobile learning are significantly...
Oncology: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 980 pages.
Advancements in cancer diagnosis and treatment have extended the lives of many patients facing numerous types of cancer over the years. Research on best practices, new drug...
Medical Imaging: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2081 pages.
Medical imaging has transformed the ways in which various conditions, injuries, and diseases are identified, monitored, and treated. As various types of digital visual...
Gaming and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 898 pages.
Addiction is a powerful and destructive condition impacting large portions of the population around the world. While typically associated with substances such as drugs and...
Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2265 pages.
Traditional classroom learning environments are quickly becoming a thing of the past as research continues to support the integration of learning outside of a structured school...
Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1780 pages.
As technology continues to become more sophisticated, mimicking natural processes and phenomena also becomes more of a reality. Continued research in the field of natural...
Natural Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1647 pages.
The perseveration of our natural environment has become a critical objective of environmental scientists, business owners, and citizens alike. Because we depend on natural...
Identity Theft: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 442 pages.
The preservation of private data is a main concern of governments, organizations, and individuals alike. For individuals, a breach in personal information can mean dire...
Medical Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1574 pages.
As the healthcare industry continues to expand, a higher volume of new professionals must be integrated into the field. Providing these professionals with a quality education...
Biometrics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1852 pages.
Security and authentication issues are surging to the forefront of the research realm in global society. As technology continues to evolve, individuals are finding it easier to...
Violence and Society: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 973 pages.
Violent behavior is an unavoidable aspect of human nature, and as such it has become deeply integrated into modern society. Examining violence through a critical and academic...
Educational Leadership and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2183 pages.
The delivery of quality education to students relies heavily on the actions of an institution’s administrative staff. Effective leadership strategies allow for the continued...
Agri-Food Supply Chain Management: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 528 pages.
The development of a sustainable agricultural system is a critical concern for any nation in modern society. By implementing proper supply chain processes, available natural...
Renewable and Alternative Energy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2006 pages.
As the human population expands and natural resources become depleted, it becomes necessary to explore other sources for energy consumption and usage. Renewable and Alternative...
Public Health and Welfare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1536 pages.
The prevention and treatment of diseases is a primary concern for any nation in modern society. To maintain an effective public health system, procedures and infrastructure must...
3D Printing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 417 pages.
The advancement of modern technology has allowed for impressive developments in manufacturing processes. Out of these developments, 3D printing has emerged as a new method. 3D...
Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 3048 pages.
Ongoing advancements in modern technology have led to significant developments in artificial intelligence. With the numerous applications available, it becomes imperative to...
Pharmaceutical Sciences: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1584 pages.
The delivery of optimal pharmaceutical services to patients is a pivotal concern in the healthcare field. By examining current trends and techniques in the industry, processes...
Advertising and Branding: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1806 pages.
Effective marketing techniques are a driving force behind the success or failure of a particular product or service. When utilized correctly, such methods increase competitive...
Materials Science and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1804 pages.
The design and study of materials is a pivotal component to new discoveries in the various fields of science and technology. By better understanding the components and structures...
Flipped Instruction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 446 pages.
The integration of technology into modern classrooms has enhanced learning opportunities for students. With increased access to educational content, students gain a better...
The Internet of Things: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 530 pages.
The ubiquity of modern technologies has allowed for increased connectivity between people and devices across the globe. This connected infrastructure of networks creates numerous...
Decision Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2314 pages.
The implementation of effective decision making protocols is crucial in any organizational environment in modern society. Emerging advancements in technology and analytics have...
Oral Healthcare and Technologies: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 530 pages.
Emerging innovations in the medical sector have created new opportunities for improved patient care and disease control. By optimizing current practices and procedures...
Fuzzy Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1765 pages.
There are a myriad of mathematical problems that cannot be solved using traditional methods. The development of fuzzy expert systems has provided new opportunities for...
Organizational Culture and Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1901 pages.
The questionable practices and policies of many businesses are coming under scrutiny by consumers and the media. As such, it important to research new methods and systems for...
Remote Work and Collaboration: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 748 pages.
The implementation of teleworking has enhanced the workforce and provided more flexible work environments. This not only leads to more productive workers, but it allows for a...
Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2128 pages.
Continuous improvements in business environments and available resources have allowed more opportunities for people to pursue new ventures. This not only leads to higher success...
Health Literacy: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 517 pages.
The development of better processes to relay medical information has enhanced the healthcare field. By implementing effective collaborative strategies, this ensures proper...
Discrimination and Diversity: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 2070 pages.
The growing presence of discrimination and isolation has caused negative changes to human interactions. With the ubiquity of these practices, there is now an increasingly urgent...
Healthcare Ethics and Training: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2017. 1512 pages.
The application of proper ethical systems and education programs is a vital concern in the medical industry. When healthcare professionals are held to the highest moral and...
Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2300 pages.
In the digital era, users from around the world are constantly connected over a global network, where they have the ability to connect, share, and collaborate like never before....
Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1788 pages.
To ensure the efficacy of online documentation, web designers pay careful consideration to a number of factors when developing their products, including audience, visual appeal...
Professional Development and Workplace Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2171 pages.
No matter the field, discipline, or area of inquiry, the speed of current technological and procedural innovations means that new developments are often made obsolete quickly. To...
Mobile Computing and Wireless Networks: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2308 pages.
We live in a wireless society, one where convenience and accessibility determine the efficacy of the latest electronic gadgets and mobile devices. Making the most of these...
E-Health and Telemedicine: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1759 pages.
Advances in medical technology increase both the efficacy and efficiency of medical practice, and mobile technologies enable modern doctors and nurses to treat patients remotely...
Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2208 pages.
As modern technologies continue to develop and evolve, the ability of users to interface with new systems becomes a paramount concern. Research into new ways for humans to make...
Politics and Social Activism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1788 pages.
Conflict in the Middle East, human rights violations, and religious turmoil plague the world now more than ever before. As populations seek more and more democratic methods of...
Web-Based Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2418 pages.
The recent explosion of digital media, online networking, and e-commerce has generated great new opportunities for those Internet-savvy individuals who see potential in new...
Business Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2284 pages.
Data analysis is an important part of modern business administration, as efficient compilation of information allows managers and business leaders to make the best decisions for...
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1670 pages.
Civil and environmental engineers work together to develop, build, and maintain the man-made and natural environments that make up the infrastructures and ecosystems in which we...
Leadership and Personnel Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2266 pages.
Strong leaders are essential to the structure of organizations across all industries. Having the knowledge, skill sets, and tools available to successfully motivate, manage, and...
International Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2393 pages.
Business transactions and partnerships across borders have become easier than ever due to globalization and global digital connectivity. As part of this shift in the business...
Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2478 pages.
The digital age has presented an exponential growth in the amount of data available to individuals looking to draw conclusions based on given or collected information across...
Geospatial Research: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1997 pages.
Having the ability to measure and explore the geographic space that surrounds us provides endless opportunities for us to utilize and interact with the world. As a broad field of...
Special and Gifted Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2429 pages.
Diverse learners with exceptional needs require a specialized curriculum that will help them to develop socially and intellectually in a way that traditional pedagogical practice...
Psychology and Mental Health: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1845 pages.
The human mind has long been a complex topic of research that is still largely unexplored. As research continues to advance on how the brain functions and what motivates human...
Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 1663 pages.
Educators play a significant role in the intellectual and social development of children and young adults. Next-generation teachers can only be as strong as their own educational...
Project Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2016. 2410 pages.
Organizations of all types are consistently working on new initiatives, product lines, or implementation of new workflows as a way to remain competitive in the modern business...
Banking, Finance, and Accounting: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1594 pages.
With the global economy still in recovery, it is more important than ever for individuals and organizations to be aware of their money and its potential for both depreciation and...
Healthcare Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1586 pages.
As information systems become ever more pervasive in an increasing number of fields and professions, workers in healthcare and medicine must take into consideration new advances...
Human Rights and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2121 pages.
In today’s increasingly interconnected and global society, the protection of basic liberties is an important consideration in public policy and international relations....
Cloud Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2388 pages.
As the Web grows and expands into ever more remote parts of the world, the availability of resources over the Internet increases exponentially. Making use of this widely...
Hospitality, Travel, and Tourism: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1623 pages.
Over generations, human society has woven a rich tapestry of culture, art, architecture, and history, personified in artifacts, monuments, and landmarks arrayed across the globe....
Open Source Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2011 pages.
The pervasiveness of and universal access to modern Information and Communication Technologies has enabled a popular new paradigm in the dissemination of information, art, and...
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2215 pages.
As marketing professionals look for ever more effective ways to promote their goods and services to customers, a thorough understanding of customer needs and the ability to...
STEM Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1597 pages.
Year after year, technology advances at an increasingly accelerated pace. In order to keep up with the demands of users and businesses alike, a comprehensive understanding of...
Research Methods: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2072 pages.
Across a variety of disciplines, data and statistics form the backbone of knowledge. To ensure the reliability and validity of data, appropriate measures must be taken in...
Standards and Standardization: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1675 pages.
Effective communication requires a common language, a truth that applies to science and mathematics as much as it does to culture and conversation. Standards and Standardization...
Business Law and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1668 pages.
In modern business environments, ethical behavior plays a crucial role in success. Managers and business leaders must pay close attention to the ethics of their policies and...
Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2211 pages.
Serious games provide a unique opportunity to engage students more fully than traditional teaching approaches. Understanding the best way to utilize games and play in an...
Curriculum Design and Classroom Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1636 pages.
Educational pedagogy is a diverse field of study, one that all educators should be aware of and fluent in so that their classrooms may succeed. Curriculum Design and Classroom...
Public Affairs and Administration: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 2307 pages.
Effective administration of government and governmental organizations is a crucial part of achieving success in those organizations. To develop and implement best practices...
Economics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1704 pages.
Organizations, governments, and corporations are all concerned with distributing their goods and services to those who need them most, consequently benefiting in the process....
Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2015. 1702 pages.
From driverless cars to vehicular networks, recent technological advances are being employed to increase road safety and improve driver satisfaction. As with any newly developed...
Software Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 2348 pages.
Innovative tools and techniques for the development and design of software systems are essential to the problem solving and planning of software solutions. Software Design and...
Assistive Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1794 pages.
Individuals with disabilities often have difficulty accomplishing tasks, living independently, and utilizing information technologies; simple aspects of daily life taken for...
K-12 Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1837 pages.
Primary and Secondary education is a formative time for young students. Lessons learned before the rigors of higher education help to inform learners’ future successes, and the...
Robotics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1873 pages.
As mechanical and cybernetic technologies gain prominence and usability, robots have become ever more present in our everyday lives, with applications in education...
Crisis Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1862 pages.
Whether natural or man-made, disasters will inevitably occur, which is why organizations must be constantly alert and ready to meet any such challenges head-on. Crisis...
Sustainable Practices: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1872 pages.
Recent concerns over global warming and environmental protection have, over time, led to policies and practices designed to ensure healthy ecosystems. In order to thrive in this...
Cross-Cultural Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1808 pages.
In a globalized society, individuals in business, government, and a variety of other fields must frequently communicate and work with individuals of different cultures and...
Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1718 pages.
Over the past few decades, devices and technologies have been significantly miniaturized from one generation to the next, providing far more potential in a much smaller package....
Adult and Continuing Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 2066 pages.
Beyond the undergraduate and graduate levels, education has traditionally ceased when students enter the workforce as professionals in their respective fields. However, recent...
Cyber Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 2300 pages.
Following the migration of workflows, data, and communication to the Cloud and other Internet-based frameworks, interaction over the Web has become ever more commonplace. As with...
Computational Linguistics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1727 pages.
In a globalized society, effective communication is critical, and study of language from a mathematical perspective can shed light on new ways in which to express meaning across...
Digital Arts and Entertainment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2014. 1661 pages.
In today’s interconnected society, media, including news, entertainment, and social networking, has increasingly shifted to an online, ubiquitous format. Artists and audiences...
Digital Literacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1907 pages.
It has never been more important to have the ability to locate, comprehend, evaluate, and organize information using digital technology than it is in today’s world. By...
Industrial Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1823 pages.
Industrial engineering affects all levels of society, with innovations in manufacturing and other forms of engineering oftentimes spawning cultural or educational shifts along...
Geographic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 2102 pages.
Developments in technologies have evolved in a much wider use of technology throughout science, government, and business; resulting in the expansion of geographic information...
Digital Rights Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1740 pages.
With the continuing growth of the digital media, digital rights management is essential to control the unauthorized distribution or use of digital files typically used by...
Data Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 2120 pages.
Data mining continues to be an emerging interdisciplinary field that offers the ability to extract information from an existing data set and translate that knowledge for...
Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1838 pages.
In order to keep up with the constant changes in technology, business have adopted supply chain management to improve competitive strategies on a strategic and operational level....
User-Driven Healthcare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1512 pages.
User-Driven Healthcare: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications provides a global discussion on the practice of user-driven learning in healthcare and connected...
IT Policy and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 2036 pages.
IT policies are set in place to streamline the preparation and development of information communication technologies in a particular setting. IT Policy and Ethics: Concepts...
Bioinformatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1783 pages.
As a result of experimental techniques, the combination of biology and computer science was initiated to classify and process an expanding number of biological observations....
Small and Medium Enterprises: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 2142 pages.
Small and medium enterprises outnumber major corporations by a large margin, and will continue to play an essential role in the innovation and competition of economies around the...
Image Processing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1552 pages.
Advancements in digital technology continue to expand the image science field through the tools and techniques utilized to process two-dimensional images and videos. Image...
Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2013. 1696 pages.
The design, development, and use of suitable enterprise resource planning systems continue play a significant role in ever-evolving business needs and environments. Enterprise...
Organizational Learning and Knowledge: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 3164 pages.
The impact that information technology has on collective knowledge, the lifeblood of any organization, is still being fully realized and understood. Organizational Learning and...
Machine Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 2124 pages.
Statistics, psychology, and computer science are major influences in machine learning research. This exciting interdisciplinary science is a crucial component in many...
Wireless Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 2358 pages.
Wireless technology has expanded rapidly over recent years, especially in its influence on mobile and distance technologies. Wireless Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools...
Cyber Crime: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 1977 pages.
Threatening the safety of individuals, computers, and entire networks, cyber crime attacks vary in severity and type. Studying this continually evolving discipline involves not...
Computer Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 2228 pages.
Computer engineering refers generally to the field that integrates hardware design, production, and implementation, and it combines the expertise of practitioners in electrical...
Virtual Learning Environments: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 1942 pages.
As the world rapidly moves online, sectors from management, industry, government, and education have broadly begun to virtualize the way people interact and learn. Virtual...
Grid and Cloud Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 2134 pages.
Distributed computing, through the power of grids or clouds, has allowed software and hardware developers to achieve high performance computing through cutting-edge technologies...
Regional Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 1729 pages.
From domestic to international settings, aid and assistance to less-developed areas has recently been bolstered by a boom in technological advances and new research. Regional...
E-Marketing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 1485 pages.
The popularity of e-marketing has helped both small and large businesses to get their products and services message to an unbounded number of potential clients. Keeping in...
Human Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 1616 pages.
Human resources management is essential for any workplace environment and is deemed most effective when a strategic focus is in place to ensure that people can facilitate that...
Digital Democracy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2012. 2029 pages.
Dealing with the use of information and communication technologies to engage citizens and support the democratic decision-making process, Digital Democracy is on the rise with...
Enterprise Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2178 pages.
The continual development and refinement of enterprise information systems is essential for organizational advancement. Enterprise Information Systems Design, Implementation and...
Virtual Communities: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2930 pages.
Virtual communities have the potential to revolutionize all aspects of modern life, as individuals and groups conduct a significant amount of business and personal networking in...
Clinical Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2366 pages.
Modern technological advances in medicine are not restricted to treatments, but rather have revolutionized the entire application of healthcare from finding a doctor to executing...
Gaming and Simulations: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2164 pages.
Research on the development, design, use, and evaluation of electronic games and simulations is essential to the understanding of their numerous roles and applications. Gaming...
Green Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2156 pages.
In recent years, environmental technology has become a critical area of study, as individuals and organizations have started to emphasize the importance of conserving resources...
Global Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2770 pages.
Global business is an integral part of our modern economy. Most companies—large or small, international or local—are affected by the global marketplace. The growing number of...
Instructional Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2011. 2074 pages.
Successful educational programs are often the result of pragmatic design and development methodologies that take into account all aspects of the educational and instructional...
Networking and Telecommunications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2010. 2130 pages.
Due to increased practices and applications of digital networks, widespread use of the Internet, and enhanced transmission of information communication technologies, there is a...
Web-Based Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2010. 2038 pages.
Advancements in Web-based technologies and applications have revolutionized modern-day educational design and practice. Web-Based Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and...
Information Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2010. 2686 pages.
Obtaining, storing and processing information is critical to an organization's success and profitability. Ongoing innovations in information technology challenge managers...
Electronic Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2010. 2234 pages.
With the increasing reliance on digital means to transact goods that are retail and communication based, e-services continue to develop as key applications for business, finance...
Business Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
Information Resources Management Association. © 2010. 2476 pages.
The successful creation and implementation of effective business information systems is critical to an organization’s success and productivity. Business Information Systems...